Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We start our True Love Waits series tomorrow night. I'm pretty stinkin excited about this. Our first teaching lesson will be on God's original intent for our heart. We'll talk about how He owns our heart, He asks us to guard our heart, and search our heart. My prayer is that our students will see the importance of purity. Berryville is a weird place when it comes to relationships. I was at the community center about a week ago and overheard a bunch of fifth grade guys talking about who they were dating and what they were planning on trying to do this weekend. That freaks me out. I mean seriously how young will it get?? Today's idea of purity is about as important as what is in your litter box at home. Who is to blame?? MTV? VH1? HBO? Reality TV? Umm...maybe they all have a little to do with it. I'm guessing since no one will ever read this blog I can be honest and say it's the parents and the church's fault. We have failed. Parents are too cool or uncomfortable to talk about it and the church says it is a private issue and should not be discussed in such a holy setting. Whatever Dude!! I'm going to talk about it because God has called me to teach truth, and the truth is purity matters. Sex is incredible inside it's original intent. There...I said it. Come Wednesday night and here it again:)


Lucy said...

You tell 'em, Ricky. PS-by the way, I work with Dr. Ross who helped found True Love Waits. That's right, I'm a name tosser.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog, but I don't mind because it is our own fault. Its like people think that if they don't talk about it, it will just go away and no one will engage in it. Last Wednesday answered so many questions for me, hopefully it answered many more for others as well. I can't wait until this Wednesday!!