Monday, April 14, 2008

Mood= Not Good

I know you can't hear the tone of my voice through a blog so let me give you a hint on how I'm feeling: Depressed. I just registered to take summer classes and I just can't figure out what I was thinking. I need a break so badly, but I keep telling myself I can break when I'm done...which seems like it will be never. I just for once in my life want to concentrate on ministry without the stress school puts on me. I remember back in Louisville, the first church I ever served, one lady got so mad at me because I openly said how much I hated school. Well I'm sorry Southern Heights but I'm going to say it again...I hate school. This may sound weird but I love my classes. I have learned so much at Liberty. The knowledge that my professors have is ridiculous, but I hate deadlines, papers, GPA's, tuition...all of that stuff beside the things I learn. I'm guessing this is a pity post. I want someone to give me this great word and tell me that I don't need school. I stinking know I need school...I'm just tired. Does this make sense??


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Ok so college is probably way different than high school but I can totally relate. I'm just so tired of school- the late nights, the essays, the STRESS- I just don't like it. I used to love school, but not anymore. I feel like blah all the time and I hate it. But on the bright side, there are only 33 school days left!!

Unknown said...

the longer and further I go in my academic pursuits, the more I'm convinced that college (and later, seminary) isn't necessarily about the things you learn, it's about learning to have perseverance (which you can never learn too much about). Hang in there, bro.