Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Desiring God Part 4

This was by far my favorite part of the conference, mainly because I'm a Driscoll fanatic. I highly recommend you go to and view this message. It was intense and there is no way I got down everything he said...

Mark Driscoll: The Biblical Use of Sharp, Cutting Language
- Our words need to be free but not reckless, biblical and faithful in correct speech.
1. Christians need to feed the sheep.
- Sheep: Believers or those honestly seeking truth
- Ephesians 4:32, Jesus and the woman at the well, Zacheus
- Love your sheep, take care of your sheep, edify your sheep, be kind to sheep
2. Rebuke the Swine
- Swine: People who are unrepentant
- Isaiah 3:14-16, Amos 4:1, Amos 6:4-6
- God uses sharp, cutting language towards swine
- Without the strong and sharp rebuke no change would be made
- The bible is easy to read when we are talking about them, but it becomes hard when we realize it is talking about us.
- Don’t use good words to soften bad acts ie. Fair=Adultery. Call it what it is…
3. Shoot the wolves
- Wolves: False teachers
- Martin Luther says, “With the wolves you cannot be too severe; with the sheep you cannot be too gentle
- We shoot wolves because we love the sheep
- FIGHT for the Gospel and the well being of your church.
4. Bark at the dogs
- Make fun of religious people (people who try to bind themselves to God by their works)
- Religion always leads to depression or pride
- Religious people take themselves too seriously and God too lightly
- Show them how ridiculous they are
- God thinks our religion is disgusting (Isaiah 64:6
- Religion is crap Philippians 3:8 (rubbish is translated dung)
5. Pray for the Sheppard’s
- Pastors have to decide who are sheep, swine, wolves, dogs

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