Friday, December 19, 2008

7 Days

It is now seven days until Christmas. That's pretty exciting. I'm sure we all have huge Christmas plans that involve tons of food, family, and thirty different groups of people we are "required" to see. Here are a quick 7 things I'm looking forward to as we travel home to see family...
  • The drive. This may surprise some since the drive is so ridiculously long, but I enjoy my Megan and JP. Especially since Megan loves to drive:)
  • Food. Dude I am so ready to tear into the food my mom will have cooked just for me. Yeah that's right...just for me. I'm not exaggerating. She will cook whatever you ask her even if it is crazy. Kind of like Buddy on the movie Elf where he mixes cereal, pop tarts, spaghetti, and syrup. My mom loves me that much.
  • Weather. It was 80 degrees last week.
  • Peanut Butter Cake. I know this probably should have went with food, but if you ever eaten peanut butter cake you know it deserves it's own line. Nothing is better than this.
  • 4 Christmases. No, not the movie. We literally have four different Christmases to go to. This is not something I'm looking forward to, but it is nice to see everyone.
  • Andy Blankenship. I love this guy and it seems like I only get to see him during Christmas.
  • Hunting. I don't care what you Arkansas folks say...nothing beats hunting in Alabama.


Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Do you really hunt?! Just wondering. :)

Matt and Ricky said...

Yeah, I dove hunt. I did a lot more in Alabama.

Lucy said...

There's nothing like being at home for the holidays. I've already put in my order for my mom's best dishes.

Kasey said...

have a great Christmas and be careful driving! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

hope you all have a great Christmas! we'll be thinking of you!
Heath & Lisa

Andy Blankenship said...

dude I am ready to see you too!!