Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Five

  • I just finished my last class and I'm already seeing some final grades posted. I made an A in Youth ministry (possibly the easiest class I've ever taken) and and A in The Book of Acts (possibly the second hardest class I've ever taken). I'm waiting on some final things to be graded in my Genesis class (possibly the hardest class I've ever taken). If I pull a B out of my butt for this class you will hear me rejoice all over town.
  • I need to go to Fayetteville extremely bad today, but my wife doesn't want me to go without her. Give me the husband of the year award for not going.
  • I'm actually feeling a lot better since I started excercising more regularly. Basketball is a blessing.
  • Marci turned...umm...I'm not sure if it is ok for me to post her age here or not, but her birthday is today. Marci, you are one cool chick and I appreciate you and Allen a lot. You guys make ministry in Berryville easier than it should be. I think this could be the first nice thing I have ever said to you:)
  • I graduate in May...I'm pretty sure I'll be quick to start my Master's, but we'll just have to wait and see.


Kasey said...

Hi Ricky! I hope that you and Megan have a great Friday and a good weekend. bye!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Thank you! That is the nicest thing you have ever said. ;) We love you and your family. We are so blessed to have you on our church staff. Okay, enough of the sappy stuff!
Hey, I will totally post my "tag". I gotta know about your dream.