Thursday, January 15, 2009

Been Tagged...Again

Kristen tagged me. So here we go:
1. Choose the 4th folder where I store my pictures on the computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
5. No cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

This is JP chilling on his John Deere at the grandparents house. That is his "Dude, mom, chill out with the picture taking" smile. Hope you enjoyed. I tag Marci, Slayer, Wes, and Jessie.

1 comment:

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

That is a great picture! Okay...the 4th folder...4th picture...this could be very interesting! I so wanted to pass the "fabulous" award to you~with the pretty girl on it...but I passed it to girls...thought you might appreciate that!:)