Monday, February 9, 2009

Lose Yourself

If I asked you what Matthew 10:39 says, my guess is you would probably not have a clue. If I read Matthew 10:39 to you, you probably say, "I have heard that verse a thousand times." What does it say? Jesus is speaking and says, "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it." I have been in my office reading and praying here for just a little while and feel the need to put this down for you to read. I have been overcome with conviction as I read this verse because I see myself as someone who is constantly searching for his own life. The best vehicle for me
The best house for me
The best job for me
The best friends for me
The best schedule for me
The best time for me
Dude I am absolutely sick with the infatuation of me. Jesus' words here are clear and CANNOT be misunderstood... "Lose your life for Me." If I, and the rest of us self-consumed Christians, would quit thinking about our best life now and start focusing on the heart of God and His will for our lives then maybe we could make an impact for the Kingdom. We have completely disregarded the instructions of Paul to the Phillipian Church in Phil. 2:3-4,

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others."

When is the last time we have gave something up for someone else? And I'm not talking about the last piece of pizza on the Pizza Hut buffet line. I'm talking about when is the last time we:
Gave up our plans so we could hang out with someone hurting
Gave up our food in Taco Bell so the man outside can eat
Gave up time with our family so we could go do mission work
Gave up our wants so we could free up some money to give
Gave up our toys so we could give some other kids something to play with

These thoughts are hurting me today. I'm understanding now what Christ has called us to... He has called us to Give Up our lives!!

Will you lose yourself today? Will you sacrifice and take someone out to eat? Will you lose your fear and share the Gospel? Will you lose your privacy and open up your home? Will you trust God?

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