Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mind Dump

  • Last night was a really good night. I got to confess somethings to our students and really be transparent.
  • We recasted the vision of our student ministry: To see Christ increase in every way and for us to decrease in every way. John 3:29-30 is an amazing passage that reveals the joy in John the Baptist as he sees people moving from him and to Jesus. He found joy in seeing Christ gain all the glory...Wow, we need more people like that.
  • I got to speak to a couple of students last night and really dig into their lives. I'm humbled...and ridiculously scared at the fact that God is allowing me and calling me to be personally involved in these students lives.
  • Something else was revealed to me last night in my conversation with a student after the service. You can grow in knowledge and never be transformed and saved by the Spirit. Just because you know and even do the right thing doesn't mean God has saved you. Salvation takes brokenness and surrender all the while you are supernaturally justified before God the Father because of Jesus' work on the cross.
  • I woke up this morning to the best text message ever. A student asking me what kind of bible he needs to get and where to get it. That makes me happy. To see a student, at an early time in the day, be thinking about growing spiritually is a joyous occasion.
  • This also makes me sad to know that there are parents out there that are not being the spiritual leaders in their homes. Of course we all know this, but for a kid not to have a, sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking that since I'm in Northwest Arkansas everyone at least has a bible.
  • If I ever own a Christian bookstore, I declare today that it will be filled with Godly resources that will introduce people to Jesus and help people grow in their faith. I walked into a store that may have had 20 bibles and they were all the same gift/award bibles. Seriously, I'm not opposed to all the things (some people call it Jesus Junk) in these stores, but at least have a solid selection of resources that will lead people to Jesus and edify the church.


Lucy said...

I do oppose "Jesus Junk". He's the Messiah, not Mickey Mouse, let's show some restraint and not commecialize and profit on every little thing.

Wes George said...

Hey Bro.
Check out It's this really cool thing you can set up as a daily email or a daily phone call that gives you a 60 second passage of scripture with a point to ponder. I have it as my alarm so I get a call every morning that starts me off with the Word. Anyway, told the students about it and they seemed interested. Thought you might like to check it out.