Friday, July 10, 2009

Confessions: Father/Son Workdays

Confession time. Many of you know that I bring JP to the office with me a few days a week so Megan can work, see people in town, and just get out of the house. I don't mind him coming most of the time. He usually takes care of himself besides that whole, "Dad I really need to pee/poo" thing. Well, my confession today is simple: I usually do not watch him that closely, and today it was revealed to me why I may need to pay a little more attention.

He came up to me asking to draw, so I do what I always do... Give him a piece of paper and a pen and start back working. When I got up to walk over to Mrs. Rama's office... this is what I saw:

Yeah, Picasso had drawn all over his face and arms. And he thought it was hilarious. Don't worry though, Mrs. Rama came to the rescue with a wash cloth and soap and got him all cleaned up. I love that lady.
So I need to start watching him a little closer I admit. The scary thing was that there was chocolate all over his face!! Where did he get chocolate??!! Hey, don't judge me...

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