Wednesday, September 30, 2009

She is Woman

So it starts today... I’m wondering exactly how it will go. You see today both sets of grandparents are leaving. I’m in the office working. Therefore, my beautiful wife is at home with the 3 1/2 year old and a 5 day old... all alone. I really haven’t thought about this much until I got at least 25 texts yesterday asking how JP was “handing the competition”. So far, Megan and myself has had 2 grandma’s doing work son. JP has had granddad’s running him around wherever he wants and playing whatever he wants. JP has spent the night at home only once since John was born. So to answer those texts... JP hasn’t had any competition. He has had more attention since the birth of John than he has gotten since he was 5 days old. Now in my head I picture Megan all alone with John and.... DUM DUM DUM!!! JP!! The most energetic, talkative, rambunctious, hungry, needy, bathroom going boy in the world. I think I need to run home now...

But then I think... I’m talking about Megan here. The mom of moms... She is woman. And I have the upmost respect and trust in her ability to parent 30 kids just like JP. I still remember the day she told me she felt called to be a mom. I was so proud. We had just gotten pregnant (you can read that as if I was pregnant too, but you know what I mean) and she was totally convicted over the God-placed desire in her heart. I told her there was no way we would make it financially. She said it was time to cut back. I said she would be soooo bored. She asked what could be more fulfilling than raising a child up in the Lord. So we started on our journey of sacrifice so she could fulfill her calling... being a mom.

God has been so good. We cut-off cable, God gave me a sweet lady named Mrs. Kristi Allums who wouldn’t allow me to live life without ESPN. God gave Megan a job where should only had to work one day a week at a bank just so she could get out and I could have a whole day with baby JP.

Why would I ever be worried about her now. David asked in Psalm 31:19 just how abundant was God’s goodness??!! After experiencing the life he had, deep in sin and in victory, David knew like no other the great grace of our God. God has placed this mom desire in her heart... He that began a good work in her with complete it. And through this major adjustment in our lives He will be sanctifying us. Sometimes it will hurt. Sometimes it will be amazing. Whatever God’s chosen method we will proclaim, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away... Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!”

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well, we are back home from the shortest stay ever at the hospital. I mean I could have had a case of the sniffles and they would have kept me longer than they did Megan after she had John. Don't get me wrong... I'm thankful for only having to sleep a night and a half on a pull out bed in the hospital, but seriously... are they so confident that 24 hours of monitoring is all they need?? Oh well, I guess if we are capable enough to have a baby we are capable enough to drive back to the hospital if weird things start coming out of little man's tail. I'm just saying... it could happen after the first 24 hours.

John's doing great. He sleeps and eats. He hasn't cried since we got home yesterday afternoon and changed his diaper. He just kind of hangs out and every once in awhile he'll open his eyes and give you the, "What the heck are you staring at" look. JP is enjoying the grandparents and me and megan are just enjoying everything. The church has been incredible to call and come see us. I love these people.

I haven't had much time to work or study this weekend. Things are just crazy. So I'll just leave you with this little mind-blowing glimpse into John Calvin's life I read the other night in the hospital. I would have loved to hang out with this man:

Calvin's reticence reflects his humility and his desire to champion the cause of God and truth rather than to turn the Reformation into a personality cult. Calvin's seal, which he designed himself, says much about how he understood his own life and vocation. This seal depicted an open hand holding a flaming heart with the words prompte et sincer—"willingly and honestly"—written around the image. His ministry was a response to a divine summons. He offered his life and his gifts diligently, unfeignedly, and openheartedly to the service of Jesus Christ and his church.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Thankful Mind Dump

What a day. I really don’t even know where to begin. To be honest with you, of all the many things that went on today, Megan saying “Holy Crap!!” when her water broke may be the thing I remember most of all this. The look on her face, the tone in her voice, and her response to me when I busted out laughing (yeah, for her Christian testimony I’ll keep that to myself j/k). Megan is a birthing pro... She pushed through maybe 6 contractions and John was here. Looking at us wondering what the heck we made him get out of his comfortable womb for. JP sitting on his knees on the couch commentating everything and making Megan laugh in the middle of her pushes. We hung out till around 4:30 a.m. and the nurses took the little guy so we could get some sleep. Me and JP cuddled on the pullout and mom rested well. The in-laws came early so I went to get him from the nursery. They had the ugliest Tennessee hat on him that the nurses thought was hilarious... Corrupting my child is no laughing matter. It's been a good day... one of the best days. God was huge today... He is everyday but for some reason He seemed bigger and greater through all the circumstances. Excitement but calmness. Joy in Pain. Love. Life. Sweetness. Health. Stability. Peace. Families who have known us no longer than a month taking care of us and showing deep sincere love. People who have known us for years and still caring and praying even though the past has been difficult. God was big today, and I'm thankful to have been chosen before the foundation of this world to serve this big God. Not based on anything I've done but simply because His grace is so ridiculous. Now we are here... the last night in the hospital after and incredibly short stay... Megan laying in the bed. JP with the grandparents. John (who hasn't cried) resting in his bed. And me... sitting here writing this down so I will always remember what this moment felt like. Thankful that, even though the Sowell life is still a mystery on almost every level, I can always remember tonight and last night where God showed up like never before. We may not have anywhere to live yet:) But we have each other... and we have a loving Father who has adopted us and formed an intimate relationship with us through the Cross of Christ. And that... that's good stuff. And I'll always remember this feeling.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures from below

Praise Him above all Heavenly Hosts

Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

I Think My Water Just Broke

So I'm sitting here in a delivery room at St. Mary's. JP is rolling around on the couch and Megan is numb saying she can't feel her legs:) I'm... Well I'm doing what I do: Blogging. So I thought I would give you a rundown of whats happened today.

- I worked on the house that is still not finished all day today.
- Megan came and clean and a little and then got completely stressed out saying, "I'm having this baby in a week!! I don't think we'll make it."
- If she only knew what would happen a few hours later.
- I took a nap. While Megan watched Bill O'reily... He's enough to put anyone in labor.
- I get in bed... where she is already.
- I can't go to sleep because I took an hour nap earlier
- She's says "Holy Crap!!"
- I say, "What's wrong??"
- She says, "MY WATER!!"
- Crap... I'll come back... It's time to push. I can't do anything:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Office

I got a new spot. This is like town number 7 for me and in the previous 6 I’ve always had a spot. This is a spot of study, mental solitude, and usually a lot of snacking. My spots have been front porches, stairways, a fire escape, dirt road, and a mountain top. All were amazing, but I don’t think any of them match my new “spot”. A lot of “Youth Pastor Blogger” types would say it doesn’t get better than Starbucks... The cool, trendy place that it is. My current Pastor, Matt, is a major fan of Panera Bread for the simple fact that if you buy one cup of coffee it’s free all day long (no one drinks coffee like Matt). While Starbucks is trendy... I like to go against the grain. Panera is nice and quite... But I don’t like coffee. So today after the baby doctor visit I made my journey to my new spot. It’s a place where I can study for hours, be mentally abandoned in whatever I’m in, and can eat my absolute favorite meal. The place... Krystals!!

What else can you ask for??!!

  • Free WiFi- There’s hardly anyone ever there to tie up the bandwidth
  • Workspace- Big booths with enough table space for my Mac, Bible, and any other book I may be reading.
  • Drinks- Free refills
  • Food- It doesn’t get better than 2 Krystal burgers and 2 Krystal chiks.

So if there is day you need me and for some reason can’t get me... Check Krystals.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bringing Blogging Back

Yeah I know... It’s been years (or maybe months) since the last time I blogged. The reasons for the absence is really endless, and to be honest I’m not sure enough of you read this to absolutely care... but I like to humor myself. I’ve been so out of touch for so long, some of you may not even know we’ve moved. We’ve had tons of things going on and trying to fill you in on everything in one post is probably not the smartest thing to try and do, but I have never claimed to be the smartest person. So here we go in traditional Ricky style Attention Deficit Disorder bullet form:

  • We now live in Knoxville, TN where I am the Minister of Students and Education at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I’m still not sure what that means, but it sounds amazing:)
  • Megan and I have also been homeless since we made the move a month ago. We lived in a house (that was in the process of being sold and closed on) for the first couple of weeks until we had to get out of there. We have since been living in a house that is owned by a church members brother who lives in Poland maybe?? I’m not sure but it is furnished and these people have been amazing and are deeply, deeply loved and appreciated.
  • The good news is that another church member built a house and is selling it to us. We are waiting for the cabinets, floors, countertops, and a few other things to come in before we get to move into our own home.
  • I will never build a house...
  • John Timothy... the newest addition to the Sowell family... will be here October 5th. Megan has decided to be induced again. I would rather her water break while she was hitting a high note in the choir:) Wouldn’t that be exciting??!!
  • I bought a Mac... I love it like I do my child:) (I’m just joking... sort of)
  • The students here are great. We’ve fished, ate, played football and wiffle ball, spoons, and hit ping pong balls at each other with no shirts on. Good times.
  • I for sure miss my students and all of my adult workers in Berryville... and Heath and Lisa:)
  • My new Pastor, Matt, is insane. He is a worker approved by God, not ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. He studies, visits, loves, and blows in kids noses.
  • JP seems to be doing great here. He is digging AWANA and was one of the only cubbies who threw the football and knocked over the pin at rec time. I’m a proud dad.
  • Yes, I'm very aware that my blog says "cutest blog on the block". Marci called me out on this way back, but I can't seem to get it off even if I change my layout. So please hold all, "Ricky is such a dork" comments.
  • I'm not sure why I'm so excited about blogging again, but I really am pumped. Daily blogging like back in the day is a HUGE possibility.
  • Now that I have my Mac and Krystals has free WiFi... I’m bringing blogging back.