What a day. I really don’t even know where to begin. To be honest with you, of all the many things that went on today, Megan saying “Holy Crap!!” when her water broke may be the thing I remember most of all this. The look on her face, the tone in her voice, and her response to me when I busted out laughing (yeah, for her Christian testimony I’ll keep that to myself j/k). Megan is a birthing pro... She pushed through maybe 6 contractions and John was here. Looking at us wondering what the heck we made him get out of his comfortable womb for. JP sitting on his knees on the couch commentating everything and making Megan laugh in the middle of her pushes. We hung out till around 4:30 a.m. and the nurses took the little guy so we could get some sleep. Me and JP cuddled on the pullout and mom rested well. The in-laws came early so I went to get him from the nursery. They had the ugliest Tennessee hat on him that the nurses thought was hilarious... Corrupting my child is no laughing matter. It's been a good day... one of the best days. God was huge today... He is everyday but for some reason He seemed bigger and greater through all the circumstances. Excitement but calmness. Joy in Pain. Love. Life. Sweetness. Health. Stability. Peace. Families who have known us no longer than a month taking care of us and showing deep sincere love. People who have known us for years and still caring and praying even though the past has been difficult. God was big today, and I'm thankful to have been chosen before the foundation of this world to serve this big God. Not based on anything I've done but simply because His grace is so ridiculous. Now we are here... the last night in the hospital after and incredibly short stay... Megan laying in the bed. JP with the grandparents. John (who hasn't cried) resting in his bed. And me... sitting here writing this down so I will always remember what this moment felt like. Thankful that, even though the Sowell life is still a mystery on almost every level, I can always remember tonight and last night where God showed up like never before. We may not have anywhere to live yet:) But we have each other... and we have a loving Father who has adopted us and formed an intimate relationship with us through the Cross of Christ. And that... that's good stuff. And I'll always remember this feeling.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures from below
Praise Him above all Heavenly Hosts
Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
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