Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Thursday Mind Dump
- I'm preaching Sunday and I'm pretty excited. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17. I'm not good with coming up with catchy title messages... so if you like read the passage and throw one down for me. You'll for sure get all the credit. Unless it's really good
- Went to the Apple Orchard with the Senior Adults today. It's always good to spend time with them. They are sincerely sweet people who love the Lord.
- My wife is amazing. She is still insanely gifted with keeping up with 2 kids, the house, church, and everything else while still dealing with me. I'm blessed
- Playing basketball with some guys tonight. Good times
- Being an Alabama fan in Tennessee is not really that difficult. Especially when Alabama is rolling.
- Does anyone else's wife make things up?? They'll say you said something and you know it was never said??!! Thats frustrating.
- Tennessee fans remind me a lot of Arkansas fans last year. "Oh, how we hate our quarterback!!"
- I do miss the consistency of those Arkansas fans... Hearing those guys call the hogs even when they are down 4 touchdowns. Except maybe for Allen and Marci... They just looked disgusted:)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Words and Authority
We are in the middle of revival right now at the Nezer. I really don’t like saying it that way. I guess the better way to put it is that we are in the middle of a hopeful revival time. The preaching has been off the chain though. Bro. Adam is preaching a series of messages on the “Power of God”. Sunday night has been my favorite so far as he talked about the Power of God in the Holy Spirit. We Baptists usually do not do a good job when it comes to the things of the Spirit... so I was delightfully surprised as he preached a solid message on the power of the Holy Spirit. We forget that God is way bigger than all our thoughts and comprehension.
These messages have also sparked a desire in me to get back to reading the Gospels. The life of Jesus is full of displaying the power of God. So I am in Mark this morning and I get really excited about a passage I read: 1:22 And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.
SLAM!! Mark is writing this and telling us that while Jesus was teaching, people were blown away. The word ‘astonished’ here is “ekplesso” which literally means to be overwhelmed with amazement. He taught with authority, or “exousia” which means supernatural authority. Heck yes it’s supernatural!! We are talking about Jesus!!
The funny thing here when you read this is that although people were amazed at Jesus’ supernatural authoritative teaching... it was nothing like what they were used too. They always heard the scribes teach and this passage in Mark leads us to believe that when they went to hear these scribes teach... they were just there listening. Nothing was happening in their hearts because the scribes were teaching with no authority. AND apparently they were teaching the Old Testament Scriptures wrongly since they obviously point to Jesus Christ and they were not getting it. There was a difference between the teaching of Christ and the scribes.
One of the reasons so many churches are not experiencing revival at this time is simply due to the horrendous, man centered, non-authoritative preaching in churches. So many messages focus on self-help, better your life themes and we lose the authority we are commanded to preach with. Titus 2:15 tells us- “Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.” We are commanded to preach under the authority of Christ. We are not doing that when we read a text at the beginning of the message and the ramble on how to improve your time at the workplace for 35 minutes. Everything must be Gospel-Centered.
Why am I writing this?? I’m not totally sure, but here are a few of my suggestions (like they really matter):
- Preachers, stick to the text. I promise you that there is no possible way you can come up with something more powerful, convicting, or profitable than Scripture. Read it, know it, exegete it, and preach it... with all authority because you are preaching God’s breathed Word instead of your own.
- Believers, find a church where the pastor never leaves the text. You will be taught, rebuked, comforted, blessed, and edified when you sit under Godly, prayer-sought preaching.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sweet Conviction
Man, it’s been a tough morning. I’m studying the Book of James right now, and it’s getting to me. God is just using His word to really humble me. You know those times in your life... When everything seems to be good. Good personal bible study, good relationships, good marriage, good health, good church, good pastor, good worship, good good good... everything just seems to be good. A lot of these could even be described as going great. It’s so weird to say that too since it was only a little over a week ago I was wondering if we would ever have a house, if John Timothy would be healthy, and if I was doing the right things. God has just really blessed me man... I mean insanely blessed me. So the moment I began to get a little too confident in my life, God directs my heart to begin studying one of the most difficult books in the Bible, James.
This Book should have one of those advisory warnings in the beginning. I do believe it is completely and divinely inspired, but would have it really hurt for James to go back to the beginning page after writing and re-reading this book to put a warning that reads something to the effect: WARNING!! This book will most likely reveal the deepest parts of your still dark heart and leave you feeling like complete crap?? I can’t imagine the look on James’ face after he wrote this and then went back to read it over. “Wow, umm... Lord? Do you think maybe we could lighten this up a little?? Talking about hardcore!!”
It’s so funny how God moves. I’ve spent the last few days pouring over the words in chapters 1 and 2. Here are some of my “Wow, that just slapped me in the face passages”:
- 1:2-4
- 1:6-8
- 1:26-27
- 2:1-4
- 2:10
- 2:17
- 2:19-20
- 2:26
To be honest, I could have just listed every verse in these 2 chapters, but I wanted to at least make sure I pointed these out to you. After studying this morning I just really became overly convicted of how dirty I am. Then after much repenting, I just became insanely thankful. The phrase “What sweet conviction” just kept exploding in my heart. You see, without this hard teaching in Scripture and without the conviction of the Holy Spirit... I would have just remained in my sin. I long to be holy for the God who called me is Holy. I’m in sincere thanks because God divinely inspired James to write this most difficult passage to swallow. Don’t run from tough passages. Don’t become depressed in your conviction. Rejoice, I say again Rejoice!! For the God who loves you and called you is simply sanctifying you for His glory. Oh what sweet, sweet conviction!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Watch Your Mouth Boy
Mark Driscoll said one of the most profound things I can ever remember hearing come from a man’s lips at last years Desiring God Conference. The whole conference centered around words, speech, and the Glory of God. I still remember it so clearly. He said that once you speak a word... it’s out there. There is no retracting it. There is no bringing it back. It’s been spoken and there is no blessed delete button. For someone who talks a lot, that was a pretty hardcore statement and it hit me hard. I’ve always talked, but never did I realize how much I talked till Driscoll dropped the bomb on me. Talking is not a bad thing in itself... It’s just that the more you talk the larger chance you have to say something stupid. Oh, how many times has a word been on my tongue that I’ve known as soon as it left my lips that it probably was the dumbest thing I’ve ever spoken.
Proverbs is pretty amazing. I mean it is divinely inspired and all. The practicality of this book blows me away and it truly reveals God’s heart and desire for us to live pure, holy lives that glorify Him. Proverbs 10:19 has become my Proverb for today: When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
I haven’t said anything dumb today. My wife, who hears all of my word vomit, would be blown away by that proclamation. I’m just starting to understand that when speaking... less is more. Webster’s defines prudent as someone who acts with or shows care and thought for the future. I care about my marriage... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my ministry... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my children... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, the lost, THE GLORY OF GOD... I’ll speak prudently.