Sunday, October 4, 2009

Watch Your Mouth Boy

Mark Driscoll said one of the most profound things I can ever remember hearing come from a man’s lips at last years Desiring God Conference. The whole conference centered around words, speech, and the Glory of God. I still remember it so clearly. He said that once you speak a word... it’s out there. There is no retracting it. There is no bringing it back. It’s been spoken and there is no blessed delete button. For someone who talks a lot, that was a pretty hardcore statement and it hit me hard. I’ve always talked, but never did I realize how much I talked till Driscoll dropped the bomb on me. Talking is not a bad thing in itself... It’s just that the more you talk the larger chance you have to say something stupid. Oh, how many times has a word been on my tongue that I’ve known as soon as it left my lips that it probably was the dumbest thing I’ve ever spoken.

Proverbs is pretty amazing. I mean it is divinely inspired and all. The practicality of this book blows me away and it truly reveals God’s heart and desire for us to live pure, holy lives that glorify Him. Proverbs 10:19 has become my Proverb for today: When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

I haven’t said anything dumb today. My wife, who hears all of my word vomit, would be blown away by that proclamation. I’m just starting to understand that when speaking... less is more. Webster’s defines prudent as someone who acts with or shows care and thought for the future. I care about my marriage... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my ministry... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my children... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, the lost, THE GLORY OF GOD... I’ll speak prudently.

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