So I was watching this video and started thinking, "What was going through her head while she was flipping around?" What it one of those things where it happened so quick she didn't know what was going on, or did her "life flash before her eyes" in a long slide show of past victories and failures. Did she think to herself, "This is it...I'm dead. I knew I should have went to church last week." While I was thinking about all this, I asked myself, "What if I was on top of a 700 story building and began to fall off...what would my thoughts be?" Well maybe not 700 stories because that would be a long time to think about pretty much everything, but you get the idea. Would Megan and JP and their future be on my mind? Would I be thinking about the pain I could possibly feel? Would I be thinking, "Crap!! I knew I should have not stepped on the ledge even though Phillip told me it would be ok." (we have a long history of talking each other into doing stupid stuff) Or would I be thinking about Jesus? About the future glorification of my soon to be roadkill body? I'm not sure, but I know I would be ok...Ok with dying. Ok with place my wife is with her walk with Jesus and her ability to raise JP into a deep relationship with Christ. I would be Ok in my confidence that I know Jesus and have been purchased by His blood. Ok with Phillip even though he just got me killed:) And all of my other friendships...I would be ok. So as I'm falling from this ridiculously high building, would be falling with peace. I would have some anxiety and discomfort, but I would also be eagerly awaiting my reunion with my Heavenly Father. Would you be ok? Or would you be saying, "I should have done this and this and this. I should have spent more time with my family and less at work. I should hugged my kids a little more and kissed my wife a little sweeter. I should have met Jesus...I should have listened and responded when I had a chance...I'm not ok."
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