Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Welcome Here

I don’t think I’m supposed to give details on what was said in staff meetings, but I’m going to anyway…I’m a rebel. Bro. Scott made the comment that we needed to add some chairs in the sanctuary. That church is a great thing. We are growing, people are coming to know Jesus, and when you walk into our building you can sense the peace of our fellowship. I believe we are growing for several reasons: 1. God is blessing us. 2. We have sound biblical preaching. 3. The worship at Southern Heights is real and Spirit led. 3. We have a church that recognizes guests and works to make them feel at home. I read something the other day that a pastor of a large church in Georgia,Michael Lukaszewski, wrote about recognizing guests. This made a lot of sense to me:

“A good landscaper who is operating a weed eater or a blower will stop when you run by, as to not blow grass clippings all over you. In a nice hotel, when you walk down the aisle, the cleaning ladies pushing the cleaning carts through the hallways will stop and say hi, continuing their job after you walk by. They are stopping what they are doing to recognize your presence. Good churches stop what they always do and recognize the presence of guests.”

Wow. One thing I believe we do well at Southern Heights is make our guests feel welcomed. Many of the guests that come through the doors here are possibly lost, and we need to make sure that they do not turn away from the gospel because we aren’t friendly. Thank you for doing an incredible job with our guests. Paul speaks of a partnership he had with the Philippians in sharing the gospel. This partnership was made possible because they all had the same attitude, love, and purpose. They lived in harmony together. The outside world will notice our indwelling peace and our love for each other. This church will help us continue to grow and to continue in winning people to Jesus Christ…Our common goal.

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