Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Confessions of the Poo!!

Confession time: Sometimes my priorities get a little out of order...

OK, I know this has already started out a little uncomfortable, but this is really a story that needs to be shared despite its revealing nature of just how poor a dad I am. It all started last Friday night. We went bowling with some friends here in town, but I had to leave early to go to the regional basketball tournament my boys were playing in. Being a GREAT husband, I took JP with me so Megan could enjoy the night and not have to worry about JP running full speed down the alley wreaking havoc on some bowling pins. When we get to the game, every seat is full but two and they happen to be by one of our students moms. So we sit down to the most exciting game of the year...Berryville vs. Farmington. Fast forwarding to the 4th quarter, Berryville is down a few points with 2 minutes left. JP all of a sudden jumps to his feet and yells loudly enough for all within 3 rows to hear, "I GOT TO POO!!!" Moms and Dads look at me with a "I'm calling child services look" when I say, "Son...you just got to hold it." I mean come on, seriously, there is no way I'm leaving this game at this point. So I give him some cheerios to keep him quiet. I know what you are thinking. I stressed so long about him being potty-trained and when it finally happens you tell the kid to poo on himself. Don't judge me...this was a big game. With 45 seconds left and during a time-out when it seems as if the whole gym is quiet, JP again lets me and everyone else know, "Daddy, the poo is coming out of my bottom!!" The mom, whose name will be withheld for legal reasons, said, "Take that boy to the bathroom now." I replied, "You take him...the game is almost over!! I think he is just faking it because he is bored and he wants to get up." I just realized exactly how bad this story makes me sound, but I guess I got to finish now. So as Caleb hits the game winning three I look down to see JP squatting with his hands over his bottom. He tells me in the most serious voice you could ever imagine, "Daddy, I really need to poo." So I take him home and put him on the potty. 30 minutes later I go to check on him and he says, "I'm going to be in here for awhile." I guess he really did have to go:)

Again, please do not call child services. He had a pull-up on and was more than capable of going at anytime with the security of Lightning McQueen Huggies:)


Lucy said...

Dang Ricky...

Kayla said...

Ha ha that is hilarious!!! Poor JP, what did Megan have to say about this?

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

You are crazy! Poor kid. I can't believe you would want Megan to actually read this post!