Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday 5

  • I'm taking today off. So what have I done? I watched the Bruce Lee Story and Pearl Harbor. I came away with 2 conclusions: 1. Bruce Lee is a beast; and 2. It would have sucked to be Ben Affleck and be supposedly dead then come back to the love of your life and fine your best friend shacking up with her.
  • The weather is absolutely amazing... I should be outside instead of wasting all this time watching stupid movies.
  • I'm preaching next Sunday night. I love to preach.
  • Me and Megan have been working out with Matt and Jessica (Pastor and Wife). I really wished working out was one of those deals where you saw a difference after the first week... It would be so much easier to go then.
  • Been practicing my Mixed Martial Art skills out on JP. He wanted to fight the other day and started talking smack. I didn't feel like it so I asked, "Are you sure you want to ride this train right now boy??" He responded with a cocky, "Choo Choo..." Then he punched me in the nose. I would tell you guys what I did, but I don't need any calls from child services.

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's In Your Underwear

JP is a funny kid. The older he gets, the more he understands, and I love nothing more than to sit down with him and have a conversation. Even before Megan and I had JP, I would picture myself having those deep talks with him.

But I guess I overestimated his ability to comprehend:

My parents were here Saturday, and they wanted to take JP and buy him a new toy. I told JP he could only go if he brought me his money (I have been giving him a dollar every once in awhile) and helped buy the toy. You know... I'm trying to teach the boy some responsibility... toys cost money. Anyway, he takes off running to his room excited to get his money. He comes back asking where his money was. Megan didn't like his hiding spot so she moved it and put it under his underwear in his drawer. So when he asked where it was, Megan confidently said, "Baby, it's in your underwear." JP runs back to his room... gone for a few seconds... and he comes back saying no it's not!! So the argument begins: "It's in your underwear... No it's not... Yes it is... No it's not!!!" Finally, JP confident in his statement drops his pants (and his underwear) and says, "See MOM!! I told you!!"

JP is a funny kid

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Q & A

I spent some time on today...maybe my new favorite website. I read several interviews he had done with people like John Bloom. I thought to myself, "Hey!! It would be cool to be interviewed." Then reality struck and I soon remembered that I'm not that important. If I was though... these are some of the questions I would hope to be asked and their answers.

1. What did you do before you came to Ebenezer?
- I've been in the ministry for the past 6 years. I've served at Louisville Baptist in Louisville, AL; First Baptist in Abbeville, AL; and Southern Heights Baptist in Berryville Arkansas. God in His amazing sovereignty has sent me through these places to grow in very specific areas of my life and I'm deeply thankful for that. A need for good theology has been the biggest thing I've learned from serving in the churches. I've made amazing friends and seen God change hearts. Good Times

2. What kind of Bible do you use?
- The English Standard version is my favorite. New American Standard is also great... it just doesn't flow as well to me. I did receive my first King James Version the other day so I'm pretty excited about that. Don't make fun of me

3. What do you do for fun?
- My wife and kids are the coolest, funniest people I know, so I definitely like to spend as much time with them as I can. Golf, basketball, fantasy sports, reading, and good movies I really enjoy,

4. What do you do during the week?
- Contrary to popular belief that youth pastors do nothing but speak on Wed. nights and go on trips, I work... a lot. I read a lot of blogs and watch a lot of youtube videos to stay updated on the cultural events that may effect our students and learn how to instruct them into godly living. I prepare messages, write curriculum, and plan events. I have the best job in the world where I get to be Gospel-centered in everything I do.

5. If you weren't in the ministry, what would you do?
- For sure play in the NBA. But if they were too blind to see the talent before them, I would like to work somewhere doing maintenance work. Fixing things makes me feel more like a man. Or work in a bookstore.

6. Who are your favorite authors/preachers?
- John Piper, Spurgeon, Matt Chandler, Mark Driscoll, CJ Mahaney, Francis Chan, Kent Hughes... there are tons. I don't by any means agree with everything all these guys say (Piper is probably the closest) but there are many things I glean from each. Guys like Paul Washer, Leonard Ravenhill, and any of your youtube sermon jam guys are great clip getters...

7. Who are the most influential people in your life you personally know?
- I've learned a ton from a lot of people. My dad taught me how to work... even when you don't want to because it is our job to provide for the family. Michael Whitt was the first person ever to show me how to read the bible correctly and what good theology is. Andy Blankenship taught me that there are hills worth dying on. Phillip Weems showed me authentic worship goes past music and spills into lives. Ryan Johnson and Greg Key are the pinnacle of youth pastors. David Bradshaw teaches me constantly the calling of godly perseverance. Matthew Cook is teaching me how to preach with Scriptural authority. My wife taught me humility and submission. I could do this all day... I'm blessed.

8. Favorite Music?
- Gospel Centered... Shane and Shane, David Crowder Band, Fee, Charlie Hall, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, The good stuff. Come Thou Fount, In Christ Alone, Marvelous Light, and I will Rise are some of my favorite songs.

9. What's you favorite passage of Scripture?
- Acts 20:24 changed my life. 2 Corinthians 2:17 where Paul proclaims that he is not like many, peddlers of God's word also is a huge scriptural motivation to stay faithful to the calling. 2 Timothy 2:15, Colossians 1, Philippians 3, Hebrews 11, 12, 13, James 1:26-27... Just to name a few.

10. Whats the first verse you remember memorizing?
- Well I wasn't raised in church, so the childhood classics of John 3:16 and Genesis 1:1 I really didn't know till later. Hebrews 4:12 is the first one I can ever remember... or maybe 1 Corinthians 10:13. One of those two.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Festival Fun

Me and Pastor Matt arguing about who is better looking

JP's Tennessee mullett flapping in the wind

Me being the Minister of Education/Students... and dominating little kids in musical chairs

Good Friends...

My white tiger (Megan says he's a zebra but don't listen to her) and my little Redneck Tennessee fan.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Picture Moments

Proud Grandad
Proud Grandad walking JP back from peeing on the tree
Megan was quick to jump into action when the dumptruck got stuck in the yard
Proud... and beautiful mom
Funny face
I kinda like him...
Macbook entertainment
Pastor's kids at the Apple Orchard
Pastor's kids getting messy with some suckers

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday Mind Dump

  • I'm preaching Sunday and I'm pretty excited. 2 Corinthians 2:12-17. I'm not good with coming up with catchy title messages... so if you like read the passage and throw one down for me. You'll for sure get all the credit. Unless it's really good
  • Went to the Apple Orchard with the Senior Adults today. It's always good to spend time with them. They are sincerely sweet people who love the Lord.
  • My wife is amazing. She is still insanely gifted with keeping up with 2 kids, the house, church, and everything else while still dealing with me. I'm blessed
  • Playing basketball with some guys tonight. Good times
  • Being an Alabama fan in Tennessee is not really that difficult. Especially when Alabama is rolling.
  • Does anyone else's wife make things up?? They'll say you said something and you know it was never said??!! Thats frustrating.
  • Tennessee fans remind me a lot of Arkansas fans last year. "Oh, how we hate our quarterback!!"
  • I do miss the consistency of those Arkansas fans... Hearing those guys call the hogs even when they are down 4 touchdowns. Except maybe for Allen and Marci... They just looked disgusted:)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Words and Authority

We are in the middle of revival right now at the Nezer. I really don’t like saying it that way. I guess the better way to put it is that we are in the middle of a hopeful revival time. The preaching has been off the chain though. Bro. Adam is preaching a series of messages on the “Power of God”. Sunday night has been my favorite so far as he talked about the Power of God in the Holy Spirit. We Baptists usually do not do a good job when it comes to the things of the Spirit... so I was delightfully surprised as he preached a solid message on the power of the Holy Spirit. We forget that God is way bigger than all our thoughts and comprehension.

These messages have also sparked a desire in me to get back to reading the Gospels. The life of Jesus is full of displaying the power of God. So I am in Mark this morning and I get really excited about a passage I read: 1:22 And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one who had authority, and not as the scribes.

SLAM!! Mark is writing this and telling us that while Jesus was teaching, people were blown away. The word ‘astonished’ here is “ekplesso” which literally means to be overwhelmed with amazement. He taught with authority, or “exousia” which means supernatural authority. Heck yes it’s supernatural!! We are talking about Jesus!!

The funny thing here when you read this is that although people were amazed at Jesus’ supernatural authoritative teaching... it was nothing like what they were used too. They always heard the scribes teach and this passage in Mark leads us to believe that when they went to hear these scribes teach... they were just there listening. Nothing was happening in their hearts because the scribes were teaching with no authority. AND apparently they were teaching the Old Testament Scriptures wrongly since they obviously point to Jesus Christ and they were not getting it. There was a difference between the teaching of Christ and the scribes.

One of the reasons so many churches are not experiencing revival at this time is simply due to the horrendous, man centered, non-authoritative preaching in churches. So many messages focus on self-help, better your life themes and we lose the authority we are commanded to preach with. Titus 2:15 tells us- “Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.” We are commanded to preach under the authority of Christ. We are not doing that when we read a text at the beginning of the message and the ramble on how to improve your time at the workplace for 35 minutes. Everything must be Gospel-Centered.

Why am I writing this?? I’m not totally sure, but here are a few of my suggestions (like they really matter):

  1. Preachers, stick to the text. I promise you that there is no possible way you can come up with something more powerful, convicting, or profitable than Scripture. Read it, know it, exegete it, and preach it... with all authority because you are preaching God’s breathed Word instead of your own.
  2. Believers, find a church where the pastor never leaves the text. You will be taught, rebuked, comforted, blessed, and edified when you sit under Godly, prayer-sought preaching.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweet Conviction

Man, it’s been a tough morning. I’m studying the Book of James right now, and it’s getting to me. God is just using His word to really humble me. You know those times in your life... When everything seems to be good. Good personal bible study, good relationships, good marriage, good health, good church, good pastor, good worship, good good good... everything just seems to be good. A lot of these could even be described as going great. It’s so weird to say that too since it was only a little over a week ago I was wondering if we would ever have a house, if John Timothy would be healthy, and if I was doing the right things. God has just really blessed me man... I mean insanely blessed me. So the moment I began to get a little too confident in my life, God directs my heart to begin studying one of the most difficult books in the Bible, James.

This Book should have one of those advisory warnings in the beginning. I do believe it is completely and divinely inspired, but would have it really hurt for James to go back to the beginning page after writing and re-reading this book to put a warning that reads something to the effect: WARNING!! This book will most likely reveal the deepest parts of your still dark heart and leave you feeling like complete crap?? I can’t imagine the look on James’ face after he wrote this and then went back to read it over. “Wow, umm... Lord? Do you think maybe we could lighten this up a little?? Talking about hardcore!!”

It’s so funny how God moves. I’ve spent the last few days pouring over the words in chapters 1 and 2. Here are some of my “Wow, that just slapped me in the face passages”:

  • 1:2-4
  • 1:6-8
  • 1:26-27
  • 2:1-4
  • 2:10
  • 2:17
  • 2:19-20
  • 2:26

To be honest, I could have just listed every verse in these 2 chapters, but I wanted to at least make sure I pointed these out to you. After studying this morning I just really became overly convicted of how dirty I am. Then after much repenting, I just became insanely thankful. The phrase “What sweet conviction” just kept exploding in my heart. You see, without this hard teaching in Scripture and without the conviction of the Holy Spirit... I would have just remained in my sin. I long to be holy for the God who called me is Holy. I’m in sincere thanks because God divinely inspired James to write this most difficult passage to swallow. Don’t run from tough passages. Don’t become depressed in your conviction. Rejoice, I say again Rejoice!! For the God who loves you and called you is simply sanctifying you for His glory. Oh what sweet, sweet conviction!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Watch Your Mouth Boy

Mark Driscoll said one of the most profound things I can ever remember hearing come from a man’s lips at last years Desiring God Conference. The whole conference centered around words, speech, and the Glory of God. I still remember it so clearly. He said that once you speak a word... it’s out there. There is no retracting it. There is no bringing it back. It’s been spoken and there is no blessed delete button. For someone who talks a lot, that was a pretty hardcore statement and it hit me hard. I’ve always talked, but never did I realize how much I talked till Driscoll dropped the bomb on me. Talking is not a bad thing in itself... It’s just that the more you talk the larger chance you have to say something stupid. Oh, how many times has a word been on my tongue that I’ve known as soon as it left my lips that it probably was the dumbest thing I’ve ever spoken.

Proverbs is pretty amazing. I mean it is divinely inspired and all. The practicality of this book blows me away and it truly reveals God’s heart and desire for us to live pure, holy lives that glorify Him. Proverbs 10:19 has become my Proverb for today: When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

I haven’t said anything dumb today. My wife, who hears all of my word vomit, would be blown away by that proclamation. I’m just starting to understand that when speaking... less is more. Webster’s defines prudent as someone who acts with or shows care and thought for the future. I care about my marriage... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my ministry... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my children... I’ll speak prudently. I care for my friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, the lost, THE GLORY OF GOD... I’ll speak prudently.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

She is Woman

So it starts today... I’m wondering exactly how it will go. You see today both sets of grandparents are leaving. I’m in the office working. Therefore, my beautiful wife is at home with the 3 1/2 year old and a 5 day old... all alone. I really haven’t thought about this much until I got at least 25 texts yesterday asking how JP was “handing the competition”. So far, Megan and myself has had 2 grandma’s doing work son. JP has had granddad’s running him around wherever he wants and playing whatever he wants. JP has spent the night at home only once since John was born. So to answer those texts... JP hasn’t had any competition. He has had more attention since the birth of John than he has gotten since he was 5 days old. Now in my head I picture Megan all alone with John and.... DUM DUM DUM!!! JP!! The most energetic, talkative, rambunctious, hungry, needy, bathroom going boy in the world. I think I need to run home now...

But then I think... I’m talking about Megan here. The mom of moms... She is woman. And I have the upmost respect and trust in her ability to parent 30 kids just like JP. I still remember the day she told me she felt called to be a mom. I was so proud. We had just gotten pregnant (you can read that as if I was pregnant too, but you know what I mean) and she was totally convicted over the God-placed desire in her heart. I told her there was no way we would make it financially. She said it was time to cut back. I said she would be soooo bored. She asked what could be more fulfilling than raising a child up in the Lord. So we started on our journey of sacrifice so she could fulfill her calling... being a mom.

God has been so good. We cut-off cable, God gave me a sweet lady named Mrs. Kristi Allums who wouldn’t allow me to live life without ESPN. God gave Megan a job where should only had to work one day a week at a bank just so she could get out and I could have a whole day with baby JP.

Why would I ever be worried about her now. David asked in Psalm 31:19 just how abundant was God’s goodness??!! After experiencing the life he had, deep in sin and in victory, David knew like no other the great grace of our God. God has placed this mom desire in her heart... He that began a good work in her with complete it. And through this major adjustment in our lives He will be sanctifying us. Sometimes it will hurt. Sometimes it will be amazing. Whatever God’s chosen method we will proclaim, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away... Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!”

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well, we are back home from the shortest stay ever at the hospital. I mean I could have had a case of the sniffles and they would have kept me longer than they did Megan after she had John. Don't get me wrong... I'm thankful for only having to sleep a night and a half on a pull out bed in the hospital, but seriously... are they so confident that 24 hours of monitoring is all they need?? Oh well, I guess if we are capable enough to have a baby we are capable enough to drive back to the hospital if weird things start coming out of little man's tail. I'm just saying... it could happen after the first 24 hours.

John's doing great. He sleeps and eats. He hasn't cried since we got home yesterday afternoon and changed his diaper. He just kind of hangs out and every once in awhile he'll open his eyes and give you the, "What the heck are you staring at" look. JP is enjoying the grandparents and me and megan are just enjoying everything. The church has been incredible to call and come see us. I love these people.

I haven't had much time to work or study this weekend. Things are just crazy. So I'll just leave you with this little mind-blowing glimpse into John Calvin's life I read the other night in the hospital. I would have loved to hang out with this man:

Calvin's reticence reflects his humility and his desire to champion the cause of God and truth rather than to turn the Reformation into a personality cult. Calvin's seal, which he designed himself, says much about how he understood his own life and vocation. This seal depicted an open hand holding a flaming heart with the words prompte et sincer—"willingly and honestly"—written around the image. His ministry was a response to a divine summons. He offered his life and his gifts diligently, unfeignedly, and openheartedly to the service of Jesus Christ and his church.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Thankful Mind Dump

What a day. I really don’t even know where to begin. To be honest with you, of all the many things that went on today, Megan saying “Holy Crap!!” when her water broke may be the thing I remember most of all this. The look on her face, the tone in her voice, and her response to me when I busted out laughing (yeah, for her Christian testimony I’ll keep that to myself j/k). Megan is a birthing pro... She pushed through maybe 6 contractions and John was here. Looking at us wondering what the heck we made him get out of his comfortable womb for. JP sitting on his knees on the couch commentating everything and making Megan laugh in the middle of her pushes. We hung out till around 4:30 a.m. and the nurses took the little guy so we could get some sleep. Me and JP cuddled on the pullout and mom rested well. The in-laws came early so I went to get him from the nursery. They had the ugliest Tennessee hat on him that the nurses thought was hilarious... Corrupting my child is no laughing matter. It's been a good day... one of the best days. God was huge today... He is everyday but for some reason He seemed bigger and greater through all the circumstances. Excitement but calmness. Joy in Pain. Love. Life. Sweetness. Health. Stability. Peace. Families who have known us no longer than a month taking care of us and showing deep sincere love. People who have known us for years and still caring and praying even though the past has been difficult. God was big today, and I'm thankful to have been chosen before the foundation of this world to serve this big God. Not based on anything I've done but simply because His grace is so ridiculous. Now we are here... the last night in the hospital after and incredibly short stay... Megan laying in the bed. JP with the grandparents. John (who hasn't cried) resting in his bed. And me... sitting here writing this down so I will always remember what this moment felt like. Thankful that, even though the Sowell life is still a mystery on almost every level, I can always remember tonight and last night where God showed up like never before. We may not have anywhere to live yet:) But we have each other... and we have a loving Father who has adopted us and formed an intimate relationship with us through the Cross of Christ. And that... that's good stuff. And I'll always remember this feeling.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Praise Him all creatures from below

Praise Him above all Heavenly Hosts

Praise the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

I Think My Water Just Broke

So I'm sitting here in a delivery room at St. Mary's. JP is rolling around on the couch and Megan is numb saying she can't feel her legs:) I'm... Well I'm doing what I do: Blogging. So I thought I would give you a rundown of whats happened today.

- I worked on the house that is still not finished all day today.
- Megan came and clean and a little and then got completely stressed out saying, "I'm having this baby in a week!! I don't think we'll make it."
- If she only knew what would happen a few hours later.
- I took a nap. While Megan watched Bill O'reily... He's enough to put anyone in labor.
- I get in bed... where she is already.
- I can't go to sleep because I took an hour nap earlier
- She's says "Holy Crap!!"
- I say, "What's wrong??"
- She says, "MY WATER!!"
- Crap... I'll come back... It's time to push. I can't do anything:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Office

I got a new spot. This is like town number 7 for me and in the previous 6 I’ve always had a spot. This is a spot of study, mental solitude, and usually a lot of snacking. My spots have been front porches, stairways, a fire escape, dirt road, and a mountain top. All were amazing, but I don’t think any of them match my new “spot”. A lot of “Youth Pastor Blogger” types would say it doesn’t get better than Starbucks... The cool, trendy place that it is. My current Pastor, Matt, is a major fan of Panera Bread for the simple fact that if you buy one cup of coffee it’s free all day long (no one drinks coffee like Matt). While Starbucks is trendy... I like to go against the grain. Panera is nice and quite... But I don’t like coffee. So today after the baby doctor visit I made my journey to my new spot. It’s a place where I can study for hours, be mentally abandoned in whatever I’m in, and can eat my absolute favorite meal. The place... Krystals!!

What else can you ask for??!!

  • Free WiFi- There’s hardly anyone ever there to tie up the bandwidth
  • Workspace- Big booths with enough table space for my Mac, Bible, and any other book I may be reading.
  • Drinks- Free refills
  • Food- It doesn’t get better than 2 Krystal burgers and 2 Krystal chiks.

So if there is day you need me and for some reason can’t get me... Check Krystals.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Bringing Blogging Back

Yeah I know... It’s been years (or maybe months) since the last time I blogged. The reasons for the absence is really endless, and to be honest I’m not sure enough of you read this to absolutely care... but I like to humor myself. I’ve been so out of touch for so long, some of you may not even know we’ve moved. We’ve had tons of things going on and trying to fill you in on everything in one post is probably not the smartest thing to try and do, but I have never claimed to be the smartest person. So here we go in traditional Ricky style Attention Deficit Disorder bullet form:

  • We now live in Knoxville, TN where I am the Minister of Students and Education at Ebenezer Baptist Church. I’m still not sure what that means, but it sounds amazing:)
  • Megan and I have also been homeless since we made the move a month ago. We lived in a house (that was in the process of being sold and closed on) for the first couple of weeks until we had to get out of there. We have since been living in a house that is owned by a church members brother who lives in Poland maybe?? I’m not sure but it is furnished and these people have been amazing and are deeply, deeply loved and appreciated.
  • The good news is that another church member built a house and is selling it to us. We are waiting for the cabinets, floors, countertops, and a few other things to come in before we get to move into our own home.
  • I will never build a house...
  • John Timothy... the newest addition to the Sowell family... will be here October 5th. Megan has decided to be induced again. I would rather her water break while she was hitting a high note in the choir:) Wouldn’t that be exciting??!!
  • I bought a Mac... I love it like I do my child:) (I’m just joking... sort of)
  • The students here are great. We’ve fished, ate, played football and wiffle ball, spoons, and hit ping pong balls at each other with no shirts on. Good times.
  • I for sure miss my students and all of my adult workers in Berryville... and Heath and Lisa:)
  • My new Pastor, Matt, is insane. He is a worker approved by God, not ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. He studies, visits, loves, and blows in kids noses.
  • JP seems to be doing great here. He is digging AWANA and was one of the only cubbies who threw the football and knocked over the pin at rec time. I’m a proud dad.
  • Yes, I'm very aware that my blog says "cutest blog on the block". Marci called me out on this way back, but I can't seem to get it off even if I change my layout. So please hold all, "Ricky is such a dork" comments.
  • I'm not sure why I'm so excited about blogging again, but I really am pumped. Daily blogging like back in the day is a HUGE possibility.
  • Now that I have my Mac and Krystals has free WiFi... I’m bringing blogging back.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pleasure Seekers

Hedonism argues that pleasure has an ultimate importance and is the most important pursuit of humanity. According to hedonism, pleasure is all that matters. If we examine our lives today, most of us (if honest) would come to the conclusion that we live hedonistic lifestyles as we seek for ourselves the ultimate pleasures of this life. The problem with this lifestyle is simple… it is all like chasing after the wind. Solomon sought for himself every pleasure. He withheld nothing from his eyes and nothing from his heart. Laughter, hobbies, real estate, vacations, luxuries, entertainment, sex, wisdom, fame, and money… His conclusion? All vanity.

John Piper, who I greatly respect, read, and listen to often, classifies himself as a Christian hedonist as he seeks ultimate pleasure in the Creator alone. What is the difference here in his seeking and Solomon’s seeking?? Piper seeks pleasure in the lone pleasure Giver to ultimately exalt God for the giving of pleasure. Solomon sought stuff to fill voids in his life. Once we become completely satisfied in God alone, everything that is meant to bring pleasure: Nature, Art, Family, Friends, Sex, Community, Worship, etc. will actually start bringing satisfying pleasure because we understand and know the Giver and Supplier!! Our problem is that we are still seeking fulfillment in the pleasures instead of the Pleasure-Giver.

As I read through Kent Hughes’ “Set Apart: Calling a Worldly Church to a Godly Life” it is becoming more and more obvious that the church is seeking for itself pleasure. We want what we want, and that is clearest when it comes to worship. Bob Kauflin said, “The one thing that should be bringing unity in the church is the very thing that is dividing us. We should be unified in the exaltation of our Creator through song, yet we are too busy focusing on the style of exaltation instead of the One we are exalting.” Kent Hughes hit the nail on the head when he wrote, “Even worship is not exempt from hedonism as people go where worship is most pleasurable, imagining that the worship of God exists to make them feel good.” How many of us are guilty in thinking that worship is all about us “feeling good”?

My hope and prayer is that we can become unified. It’s not about contemporary or traditional, guitar or organ, hymn or praise song… It’s about exalting the One who desires our worship and who seeks our pleasure. We will find pleasure in worship when we find pleasure in Him alone.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Set Apart: Money

I’m in the process of reading a new book that I’m extremely excited about. “Set Apart: Calling a Worldly Church to a Godly Life” by Kent Hughes. Kent Hughes has been one of my favorite authors since I was “made” by Michael Whitt (my former pastor who taught me more than college did) to read “Disciplines of a Godly Man”.

The 2nd Chapter was all about materialism. The whole concept of the book is how we as believers should be separated in every aspect of our lives from the world… we are called to live holy, yet our materialistic lives are no different than the consumer driven lives of lost people. John Stott said this, “Our blindness to materialism is similar to the western culture’s blindness to the sins of slavery in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Today we look back in amazement that Christian people could not see it for the evil that it was. And likely, future generations will regard our day with the same perplexity: How could they not have seen it?” Wow, how blind are we to our deep sins of materialistic idolatry??

“Setting ourselves apart from materialism has everything to do with the spread of the Gospel among the Nations. We cannot be like the nations and at the same time a light to the nations. A worldly church will not reach the world. If we live for the things of Sodom, how will we point others to the hill of Salvation”, says Hughes. We must, as redeemed believers, separate ourselves from the constant struggle to obtain more for ourselves. This has been one of the most convicting chapters of any book I have ever read. My desire is to be separated, but my desire to have “stuff” is blending me into a world that needs Jesus.

As I pray for Christ to bring freedom in my life, you to search your heart and see if you struggle with the sins of covetousness, materialistic idolatry, or lack of faith in God to take care of you. We are called to be set apart, and I believe one of the best ways to make our separation visible is to invest in eternal things where rust and moth cannot destroy.

I’ll leave you with some of the best advice I’ve ever read concerning how to treat money in your lives: “Money may be temporarily under my control. But I must always regard it as a wild beast, with power to turn on me and others if I drop my guard.”—Randy Alcorn

Friday, July 10, 2009

Confessions: Father/Son Workdays

Confession time. Many of you know that I bring JP to the office with me a few days a week so Megan can work, see people in town, and just get out of the house. I don't mind him coming most of the time. He usually takes care of himself besides that whole, "Dad I really need to pee/poo" thing. Well, my confession today is simple: I usually do not watch him that closely, and today it was revealed to me why I may need to pay a little more attention.

He came up to me asking to draw, so I do what I always do... Give him a piece of paper and a pen and start back working. When I got up to walk over to Mrs. Rama's office... this is what I saw:

Yeah, Picasso had drawn all over his face and arms. And he thought it was hilarious. Don't worry though, Mrs. Rama came to the rescue with a wash cloth and soap and got him all cleaned up. I love that lady.
So I need to start watching him a little closer I admit. The scary thing was that there was chocolate all over his face!! Where did he get chocolate??!! Hey, don't judge me...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Teaching Scripture

Tonight I'm taking the students to John 4. Most of us know something about the "Woman at the Well" but after listening to John Piper sermon several weeks back, I don't think that I'll ever look at this passage the same again. SO MUCH is packed in just the small amount that I'll be able to cover tonight. After working on this message, and actually getting excited while I was reading and typing and praying (seriously...I was shouting and doing my jerky dance sitting at my desk I was so moved by this passage), I began to wonder how many people sit in church services completely oblivious to the Word that is being spoken? And whose fault is it? The speaker? The listener? The Devil's? WHOSE??!! How many times have I spoken and never connected to the people whom I was communicating with? So I examined my early church years as a 9th and 10th grader. The majority of the Sunday mornings I spent in church were used to draw up basketball and football plays on the bulletin with my best buddy, Matthew.

Then one Sunday morning, Rev. Steve Poteat preached a message that connected with me. I still remember sitting there as he preached the text of Matthew 13. Verse by verse he gave us 5 facts of salvation that was in that portion of Scripture. He stuck to the text and he never left it. I never took notes during sermons, but that morning, compelled by the Holy Spirit, I tried to write every word. Why? What was the difference? There is amazing power in Scripture. It is Holy...Divine...Inspired by God.

I believe there are a lot of factors mixed in when people just flat aren't listening to the message. I believe we all play a part in it. I mean seriously, every Sunday morning as I'm teaching the text in Sunday School, I have a few adults who never hear a word (hmmm...guess who this is). Several things contribute to this wondering of the mind, but I believe we as teachers must stick with the text because it is way more captivating than anything we can come up with.

So tonight, we will stick CLOSE to the Word of God. I'm expecting big things tonight. 1. because we serve a huge God who is capable of changing hearts and 2. because Scripture is life-changing. Hebrews 4:12 tells us that it is living and active, able to divide the very soul and spirit. So whenever you are teaching or just talking to someone on the street about Jesus... Stick to the Text

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Mind Dump

  • We have canceled our mission trip to Honduras. I'm really struggling with this. Maybe it was the right decision, maybe not, but I do know that there are some people who desperately need to experience foreign missions.
  • Also, the cancellation of this trip has made me seriously fight the flesh. God is definitely growing me right now as I learn to deal with things that I'll have to deal with as long as I'm in ministry (a.k.a. the rest of my life).
  • I'm extremely thankful to have had some very understanding and spiritually mature people that were involved in this trip. You guys rock my face off, and your hearts for sure made up for a lot of the other issues that I had to deal with.
  • On the lighter side of things... I have a JP story for you:

- Last Wednesday night as I was upstairs in our student service, JP got lose. I'm not sure if you understand how bad this is... When JP is on his own, he loses he forfeits any sense we may think he has. So Wed. night as they were coming back from the playground, JP decided to open the door to the adult bible study in the sanctuary. I wonder what went through his head next...

-"Hmm, these people are reading about Jesus. Maybe I should quietly close the door and fall back in line with my class."

- "I wonder how many laps I can make before someone catches me"

- "Does Daddy really need to work here?"

- "I wonder if everyone will laugh if I run on stage and do my awkward arm jerking dance that Grandma taught me?"

I'm not sure what went through his head but he decided to run a lap around church...during bible study... even though he has been told countless times not to and his life has been threatened. The story I got was that after turn two he trips over Bro. Scott's podium that is set up in the middle of the room. I bet as he was flying through the air he thought, "Crap, this was not such a good idea after all." He landed and was caught by one sweet merciful lady who apparently wants me to keep my job... Thanks Mrs. Gayle.

  • Those ladies who work with JP's age class will have a special place next to throne of Jesus.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday 5

5 things I'm ready for...
  • I'm ready for Megan to have this baby. Bring on the late nights and dirty diapers.
  • I'm ready to win a game in Church Softball. Remind me again why we decided to have two teams??
  • I'm ready to teach about the Woman at the Well Wednesday night. You can be satisfied with the Living Water.
  • I'm ready to rearrange my office. I need some change.
  • I'm ready for next year's VBS. I love me some Jeff Slaughter dance moves... "I'm workin on my serve..." (shake hands from side to side with palms up and looking incredibly ridiculous at the same time).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Questions from Fayetteville...

I drove to Fayetteville the other day alone. I had a ton of things I needed to do, and my journey lead me to several different places. These were the few questions I was asking myself throughout the day:
  • As I was walking into Hobby Lobby- "Can any man actually come in here and feel comfortable? This place seems to suck the testosterone out of you as soon as you walk in."
  • As I was driving by Chic-Fil-A wanting something to eat- "I just counted 17 cars waiting in the drive through line going to the building. That's not counting the cars wrapped around or the people inside. I know this place is good... but is it really THAT good?"
  • Walking in the mall trying to figure out what I wanted to eat- "Am I the only person who finds it hilarious to see an American man cooking in a Chinese restaurant?"
  • After I decided to eat at Boar's Nest BBQ- "Is it really necessary to charge $10 for a sandwich, fries and tea? We know there is cost to make this stuff, but exactly how much do they make??
  • After I found a strategic people watching seat in the food court- "Did God purposefully send me there to that place so I might share my faith with someone?"
  • While trying to eat my food- "Was placing the Bath and Body Works directly in front of the food court the best location they could find? My food tastes like Cucumber Melon."
  • While reading my Bible and praying at my table- "What does Paul mean when he says the Philippians are 'confirmers' of the Gospel?"

These are the types of questions I have to deal with daily... Don't judge me:)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Mind Dump

Here are a few things on the agenda and running through my mind today...
  • I'm making my first solo trip to Hobby Lobby today. I'm a little nervous. I'm not sure if Webster has a word to describe the degree of hatred I have for this store, but I have to go to get some craft things for Honduras. Oh, the sacrifices you make in the ministry.
  • The VBS family show was a success last night. JP managed to keep his hands off his...well, you know... and didn't scream out, "HEE HEE!!" while spinning around and bouncing on his toes. I was way proud of my buddy. Bro. JP can always bring a smile to my face.
  • The reason he behaved so well last night was a deep fear in losing his life. We sat on his bed before we left and had a "talk". He was so wanting to do the right thing...Here's a funny story:

After the horrible VBS songs were sang, they told the kids that as soon as they got their certificate to go sit by their parents. Well, Megan was on stage passing out certificates and I was in the sound booth. JP got his certificate and took off running down the aisle waving his paper yelling, "Daddy!! Daddy, I have to come with you!!" I look at him and point for him to go back to the front of the church and sit. Before I can say anything to go along with my point, JP turns the quickest 360 I have ever seen in my life and begins weaving through the crowd to go sit where he originally was. Poor kid... he just wanted to do right.

  • I'm pretty excited about the food I'm going to eat while in Fayetteville. I'm not sure where I'm going yet, but I guarantee it will be amazing.
  • I got a lot of things going through my head right now as far as things I want to teach on next. We have got to finish going through John's Letters, but I really want to jump back into John's Gospel chapter 15 and hit hard the vine and the branches... I guess we'll see.
  • I started running again last night. I ran around a mile and a half and then walked one. Anyone know how cure bad knees and ankles?
  • Well, staff meeting and the Fayetteville... good day ahead.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday 5

  • Spent some good time in the Word this morning. Psalm 27:13-14, "I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord."
  • What does it mean to "wait for the Lord"? "Wait" in Hebrew is "qawa"-- to hope in, put trust in, to wait with eager anticipation!! We must daily renew our hope, replace our trust, and eagerly wait for Jesus.
  • Listened to some good worship this morning (it was a good morning if you couldn't tell). Charlie Hall's slow version of Marvelous Light has blown me away.

  • Phil Wickham's Cannons and True Love are two of the greatest lyrical songs I've ever heard.

  • Kari Jobe's voice is absolutely sick...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mind Dump

  • VBS was really good last night with somewhere around 65 kids participating. I had it easy since I got to run the sound and the video and hang out with some of my extremely cool students (and no they do not read this blog and I'm not sucking up... they are just really cool people to hang around).
  • I'm usually pro-everything that reaches someone with the Gospel, but VBS music and that Jeff Slaughter guy (the one who dances and does the instructional stuff) just really gets on my nerves. I'm sure he is a great guy and all, but you really have to dance like that??
  • I do not compliment my wife enough. She is an organizational genius. She does, however, stress out way too much, but I got a feeling God is going to use this underrated gift in some huge ways.
  • JP was not on his best behavior last night. I think he is just here at the church sooo much that he is comfortable doing whatever. When he comes with me to work, he makes his way around from his class to Mrs. Rama's office, to the sanctuary, to wherever and completely takes care of himself until his bladder is about to explode. It seems as though he almost has a sense of entitlement when he is here and people telling him not to go certain places really urks him. I guess this is my fault.
  • So last night JP and I had a good talk about listening and being the example. We'll see how that goes tonight. I gave him a choice: Obedience or a sore tail...
  • Did I mention that we have the absolute best students in the world??
  • I understand the culture here in Arkansas is different than South Alabama. But, Does that give people the right to be just flat out rude??
  • One day this blog and it's freedom that allows me to express my thoughts is going to get me in trouble:)
  • Why is it that all of Marci's comments are filled with "how precious" "soooo Sweet" "CCCUUUTTTTEEE!!"?? People, I understand the need to not be rude, but there is no reason to go overboard with the consistent "AWWW" remarks.
  • Well, I feel better. I hope you do to:)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Home Office

I'm a weird person. Many of you are now laughing thinking to yourself, "Well, that's the understatement of the century." I have many weird habits and abilities. Habits?? I suck my teeth for a good hour after I eat. I never have to cut my toenails because I'm constantly ripping them off by hand. I know those are kind of odd, but I felt that you were wondering what my weird habits were and I did not want to leave you hanging. Abilities?? Well, I can go to sleep anywhere... anytime. No matter what's going on in my life, I can sleep. It's a gift that I'm very thankful for.

I said all of that to say this:

Last night I was pretty wound up. I went to play basketball (which was horrible by the way...) and when I got home, there was no way I wanted to go to sleep. I could have, but I just didn't want to. I started thinking how awesome it would be to have a home office. JP was in bed asleep, Megan was watching HGTV or Food Network I'm sure, and here I am. I could have watched TV (Megan did let me watch some Ultimate Fighting before she took over though. Man I love her even if she does get sick when watching it). I became envious of those who have this luxury (Ryan Johnson) just thinking about how awesome it would be to have my own place to go read and listen to Piper, Chandler, Driscoll, Ravenhill and so many others. A place to write without any of JP's loud cries, "I got to poo Dad!!" By the way, is it only my son who waits to the very last second before he lets anyone know he's got a turtle head sticking out?? I'm praying for one. We actually have room for one now, but I feel bad spending money when there are so many other needs right now. I mean, we have a baby on the way!! I can't put money into a desk, book shelves, computer, Internet (Nolan and Kasey live just out of our wireless reach), and an IPOD dock:)

Would I get anymore accomplished with a home office? I would like to think so, but I'm guessing you guys have some opinions...Fire away

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I'm not sure my blogging has ever been more sporadic than it is now. It's so weird because I'm actually less busier now since I have become a college graduate, but the creative juices just haven't been flowing the same way they were several months back. In my head I know I need to be reading more and writing more, but I'm afraid my ADD is in a very harsh stage. I'm actually contemplating some medication. I mean, I enjoy blogging and I'm not lacking things I want to say, but it is harder for me to sit down and focus. So this morning I've been praying, and I feel the Lord has revealed to me through the Holy Spirit that I'm suffering from a serious disease by the name of Youtubia. If you aren't sure what it is, WebMD defines it as:

Youtubia- the act or state one inhabits of getting on youtube for one reason, and then, several hours later, finding oneself clicking on any random video that seems remotely interesting.

Actually, WebMD says nothing of Youtubia, but I feel that it is common and serious enough to be listed. So there it is...beware of youtubia. I cannot, however, leave without some bullet points:)

  • VBS Starts tomorrow night. Pray some kids are effected for eternity.
  • We lost both church softball games last by like 20 runs. We are not very good.
  • I never did a M-Fuge post, but to catch you was amazing and I love our students.
  • I'm pretty excited about Phillip's and Jaci's wedding coming up in August. I usually don't like weddings, but I love these guys.
  • Father's day was really good. There is nothing like getting out of the bed to a half colored picture from your son screaming happy birthday and happy mother's day.
  • Also after church, he handed me a bag of candy they put together in Sunday School and told me, "Daddy, we can share this."
  • I love my dad. I never knew how amazing he was and is until I became a dad. We fished, played ball, and he followed me wherever my schedule took me. All the while working swing shifts and taking care of our family. He is one strong amazing man.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Quote it...

"Preaching is not a profession, it's a passion. If a man can't preach with passion, he shouldn't be preaching at all!!"

- Leonard Ravenhill

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Mind Dump

  • Last night was a really good night. I got to confess somethings to our students and really be transparent.
  • We recasted the vision of our student ministry: To see Christ increase in every way and for us to decrease in every way. John 3:29-30 is an amazing passage that reveals the joy in John the Baptist as he sees people moving from him and to Jesus. He found joy in seeing Christ gain all the glory...Wow, we need more people like that.
  • I got to speak to a couple of students last night and really dig into their lives. I'm humbled...and ridiculously scared at the fact that God is allowing me and calling me to be personally involved in these students lives.
  • Something else was revealed to me last night in my conversation with a student after the service. You can grow in knowledge and never be transformed and saved by the Spirit. Just because you know and even do the right thing doesn't mean God has saved you. Salvation takes brokenness and surrender all the while you are supernaturally justified before God the Father because of Jesus' work on the cross.
  • I woke up this morning to the best text message ever. A student asking me what kind of bible he needs to get and where to get it. That makes me happy. To see a student, at an early time in the day, be thinking about growing spiritually is a joyous occasion.
  • This also makes me sad to know that there are parents out there that are not being the spiritual leaders in their homes. Of course we all know this, but for a kid not to have a, sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking that since I'm in Northwest Arkansas everyone at least has a bible.
  • If I ever own a Christian bookstore, I declare today that it will be filled with Godly resources that will introduce people to Jesus and help people grow in their faith. I walked into a store that may have had 20 bibles and they were all the same gift/award bibles. Seriously, I'm not opposed to all the things (some people call it Jesus Junk) in these stores, but at least have a solid selection of resources that will lead people to Jesus and edify the church.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NBA Playoffs

I'll confess. I love the NBA. I understand all the reasons people hate the NBA, but don't try to convince me to hate it to. I appreciate these extreme athletes that are capable of doing unimaginable feats. So one of my favorite times of the year is playoff time coming in second to March Madness (nothing beats college basketball). I want you to know that I do not miss a game. The thought of me missing Dwight Howard's pregame dance, Lebron dunking over 5 defenders, Chris "Byrdman" Anderson coming out of nowhere to block a shot into the stands, or Kobe missing the game winning shot only to go whine about how bad his teammates are absolutely kills me. I am also extremely thankful God blessed me with a wife who loves sports. She is amazing. When she was having contractions laying in the hospital bed hours before birthing JP...she let me watch ESPN classic with all the throw back historic college games. She didn't mind me getting up at 3 in the morning to watch the USA Olympic basketball team crush all who got in their way. And the NBA playoffs, well my lovely wife is right there beside me...taking in every shot.


My wife's recent obsession with Lebron James is kind of scary. When he hits the game winning shot, she goes ecstatic. I thought this was ok at first. I mean who doesn't love a buzzer beater. But last night when Lebron and the Cavs lost...she got angry. Really angry. She proceeded to tell me when I began laughing that "Lebron James is the NBA!!" Maybe she is just a big fan...You think?? Well, I guess I'll be ok until I catch her doing Lebron's pregame ritual of throwing powder in the air in the bathroom yelling, "Be A Witness!!"

Disclaimer: Please know that this was all a big joke. My wife is amazing and she loves watching basketball with me. She is mildly obsessed with Lebron, but it is nothing like what I made it seem here...RIGHT!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Alabama Breakdown

Megan and I took a spontaneous trip down to see the family this past week. Here are some things that went down:
  • We left after church Sunday morning and proceeded to drive 12 straight hours home. I wouldn't tell just anyone this, but with the blog readers you have to be honest: Megan drove the first 9 hours...pregnant. What can I say? She is hardcore.
  • Monday was spent trying to keep JP from running through the walls. I'm not sure why the Lord gave me a child with endless energy. Grandparents' houses are filled with toys...
  • Tuesday I went to play golf with my hero, Michael Whitt. I only say that because I know he doesn't read this. My game was on for the first 6 holes but completely collapsed after that. He dominated.
  • We got to spend some good time talking, and he helped me clear my head on a lot of things. Jesus has used Mike to do that many, many times.
  • Wednesday was a good day. I spent some quality time with my family and got to visit FBC Abbeville that night. Ryan is one of the best youth pastors I've ever met, and it is always a blessing to sit down and talk with him.
  • Also, Timbo preached. Timbo was one of my students who accepted his call in the ministry. He did an awesome job. I even teared up a little when he started his message. I still remember watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air on Sunday mornings with him at the house before church started. He is Ryan's intern for the summer and he'll be great.
  • That night we headed to Megan's parents. Conversation is always interesting at that house.
  • Thursday was pretty quiet, but JP did get to do some their swimming pool. That was the funniest thing I've ever seen, "Daddy, can we go the pool??!!"
  • Friday me and Megan's dad drove to Dothan, AL to get our cell phones worked on. I used to be hardcore for Verizon, but they've let me down here lately.
  • JP got a new Batman car and 4-wheeler from Toys R' Us...Grandparents, and for some reason especially granddads, love buying toys for the grandson.
  • Friday night was peaceful. The women were at graduation and me, Mr. Dennis, and JP hung out at the house. JP watched a movie and things were quiet...until graduation was over. You got to love it when people get your son all wild and then leave just so the parents can try and settle him down again.
  • Saturday we left about 6:30 in the morning and drove 12 hours back, but I was the one who hardcore this time...I drove, not all the way, but the majority!! (Insert manly grunt here)
  • Glad to be back in Berryville. We miss the folks, but God has us here for a reason.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Where Are You??

For you guys that don't I'm in Alabama. We got here early Monday morning and we will leave EARLY Saturday to get back to Berryville. I got tons of things to do before M-fuge in a couple of weeks. The trip has been good, and I got a lot to update you guys on (I like to pretend you actually care). So Monday I'll return with a massive mind dump for your enjoyment.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Confessions: A Windsor Knot

If you have known me for any length of time, then you know how much I hate wearing ties. Well, this morning I have to preach and my lovely wife says it is a must for me to wear a suit. I came to the office early to do some Jesus stuff completely dressed...except for my tie. Now one of my main reasons I hate wearing a tie is because I simply tie straight up ghetto knots. I cannot for some reason make a knot look good. My 8th grade AG teacher, Mr. Brand, tried to teach the class, but it never worked for me. So I'm here in my office staring at the devil (or a tie) wondering, what I'm going to do...Praise the Lord for google!! I googled "windsor knot", watched the instructional videos, and really focused in on tieing a true ministry knot. Now I know this post will send a lot of "ha ha Ricky your a loser" comments my way, and I'm cool with that. I've confessed my heart and ended up with the best knot I have ever tied.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday's 7

  • Mentally getting prepared to preach in the morning. I'm not sure how Lead Pastors do this 3 times a week. I'm pumped and full of energy right now, but tomorrow after the service I will be absolutely drained.
  • Preaching on 1 Corinthians 3:10-13... Building on the Right Foundation, with the right materials, and with the right motive.
  • I'm looking forward to the 12 hour drive home Sunday afternoon. I haven't spent much time with my family this week and it will be sweet just driving and hanging out.
  • I went and played a mighty 4 holes of golf yesterday before I had and emergency phone call. I chipped in on hole #1 from about 30 yards out, by far the greatest shot of my life and no one was around to see it.
  • Speaking of my emergency phone call...I love student ministry. For someone to call me in a time of crisis in their life is amazingly humbling. I would give up golf or anything else any day to hug someone and pray with them through a trying time in their life.
  • Feeding the seniors and their families Bubba's BBQ after church tomorrow. I got a feeling Megan will be driving the first leg of the trip. Preaching and BBQ, I'll be asleep before we get to Green Forest.
  • By the way, 2 years in the waiting I finally bought a truck. It's nothing special at all, but it makes my day when JP yells, "Let's ride in the big boy truck!!" He loves that thing. He spent and hour and a half just walking around in the bed of it Thursday afternoon. I love it when he is happy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

JP and the Baby Doctor

We went to find out what the baby was today, and JP made it clear that he wanted a Georgia-Kate just like his best buddy Benjamin. Well, he is a little disappointed because IT'S A BOY!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mind Dump

I'm sitting here in the office thinking through all the things I need to get done. I have ton of stuff going on, and I can't really think straight with so much stuff clogging my brain. So here, for all the world to see, I choose to lay it all out in the open:
  • I'm preaching tonight on 1 John 2:1-17. Basically we are going over very specific characteristics a believer MUST have in their life. These are suggestions but Biblical commands. A believer must have a working knowledge of Christ and the atonement, A believer must be obedient, and a believer must love. I'm thankful God cares so much about our conversion that He continually speaks through his word about this very issue.
  • Sunday morning is our Senior Graduation Service. We will lose three students to college. I'm excited about this service for several reasons. 1st, we are eating Bubba's BBQ afterwards. 2nd, I think this is really nice for the parents. 3rd, I'm preaching, and I always love to do that.
  • I'll be preaching on 1 Corinthians 3:10-13. We'll talk about building a building. No, not some physical structure but the Body of Christ. Paul calls us God's building, and we need to make sure we are building the way God has called us to build: On the right foundation (Jesus) and only with materials that will survive the test of fire (1 order doctrines, holy living, etc.).
  • Hit up Itunes and get Kristian Stanfill's new album Attention...It is crazy good. As much respect I have for the father's of modern worship music (Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, David Crowder...I mean seriously, in 20 years the Baptist hymnal will consist only of these guys, their songs and their versions of old school hymns) Stanfill's album is every bit as good and maybe even a little better. I Need You and Lord of All are ridiculous.
  • Heading to Alabama next week. What are my plans you ask? Fishing and golf...that's about it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Quote of the Day

I'm sitting here in my office waiting for a girl's community group to leave my house. Never did I think, in this short time I was going to spend in my office, I would listen to something so true and convicting:

"This Country is not Gospel-hardened...This Country is Gospel ignorant. Because most pastors are not preaching the Gospel. This position is not for the cowardice or the weak but for wild men and fools." --Paul Washer

Lord, may I preach without fear for the glory of Your name.

I Have Seen The Light

Here is a little recap of Friday night and Saturday Morning:
  • We started the night off with some flag football. When I had a 9th grade guy smash a 12th grade girl, I thought this could seriously be a bad idea. I'm just glad the girl was Aubree Fry, Superwoman. Dude, this girl could bench press me, and this monster hit just fired her up.
  • Right after the game, we moved into a little "Gotcha" competition or "Knock-Out" if you are weird and you really don't know the name of the game. I was struggling on the still sore ankle, and I was somewhat embarrassed when then 7th grade girls (who are very skilled at basketball) started dominating me.
  • When we got back to the church we began worship. Troy did a fantastic job. This guy is seriously skilled and I recommend him to anyone needing a worship leader. We saw some students truly broken over their sin, and one guy I got to talk to really started examining himself and his salvation. It was a good time.
  • This is when it all started going downhill. When you have a group of people who want to sleep and another group who has more energy than Speedy Gonzalez on 5-hour doesn't mix well.
  • We survived, and I am just now crawling out of the fetal position and pulling my thumb out of my mouth.
  • What light have I seen you ask?? Well, this day I promise: I WILL NEVER DO ANOTHER LOCK-IN!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I have had a lot of questions about what all is going to happen at the lock-in...
Here is my attempt in answering those questions:
  • 7:00p.m.- Kickoff, Rules, Food, and I'm sure I'll crush someone in ping-pong or box hockey during this time.
  • 8:00-10:00- We have flag football over in the Community Center. There has been a ton of trash talking going on concerning this little competition. I don't think they understand what they're getting themselves into.
  • 10:00- Worship featuring Troy...This guy is awesome and everyone is invited to attend this time with us...if you are still up.
  • 11:30- Heading over to Eureka to the Twice Born Old School Game Room. My good friend Jayme gave me a key and is letting use it for free. They have all the classics.
  • 1:00- Some chill time...I'm going to be about to lose it at this point.
  • 2:00- The infamous Ooga Booga. If you have no clue what I'm talking about there is a reason.
  • 3:00- I think it will be movie time by now.
  • 4:30- Lord, please let this be over soon time...
  • 4:45- ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?? It's only been 15 minutes!!
  • 5:45- I'm laying over in the corner in the fetal position with my thumb in my mouth crying out to God for relief...Yeah, Lock-ins are that tough.
  • 6:00- Breakfast by Heath and Lisa...I love those guys:)
  • 7:00- GET OUT SO I CAN GO HOME!! Of course with this will be said with a hug.