Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Proverbs 17:1

I was reading this week in Proverbs searching for a verse I had heard countless times, but I never knew exactly where it was located in Scripture. As I was scanning through chapter 17, I became deeply convicted as God spoke to me and reminded me of 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is God breathed and profitable…” I stopped and repented for skimming the very words of God that He enabled men to write through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and I started over reading chapter 17 with a heart longing to hear from Him. I read verse one probably 20 times because I was so amazed at the deep and “profitable” wisdom it contained:

“Better is a dry morsel with quietthan a house full of feasting with strife.” Proverbs 17:1

With my New Year’s commitment to pray for the families of SHBC, I thought there was no better verse to meditate on. The writer of Proverbs tells us that family peace is more important than food itself. This year will you commit to pray for your family and others to have peace? Our faith must begin in the home and pour out into the community. How can we talk about the hope we have in Christ if we are miserable when we go home? Husbands and fathers, take the initiative to lead your family in a deeper walk with the Lord. Wives and mothers, be the example of how your husband should submit to the leadership of Christ and make your home your number one priority. The peace you have in your home is better than a feast.


Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

You are totally gangster! :)

I really enjoyed this post. I think I will read Proverbs 17.

Kasey said...

I really love this post. I agree totally that it all needs to start in our homes.

I read Marci's blog: Nice word of the year, I've always thought of you as somewhat gangster.

I think my word will be genuine. Have a great day, and tell Megan I would love to get together with her sometime. bye!