Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Adult Bible Study

Today is New Years Eve...Tonight we have Church. I know what you are thinking, but this is one of the many things I really appreciate about our church. We don't ever just not have Church. Since Bro. Scott is out of town, I get to the lead the adult bible study tonight. I'm pretty pumped even though I think our numbers will be WAY down. We are going to talk about some New Years Resolutions. I did some research on the origin of these resolutions what I found out is that their motives for these resolutions back in 153 B.C. (the first recordings of New Years Resolutions) is pretty much the same as ours today. We want to be better this coming year than we were the last. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual betterment...we want to be better. Tonight I'm going to share with the church some things I've committed myself to praying for in 2009 for this church:

1. I'm going to pray that we learn deeper (Hebrews 6:1-2)
2. I'm going to pray that the older mentor the younger (Titus 2:2-8)
3. I'm going to pray that we test God in our giving (Malachi 3:10)

Well, those are the three things that will be studied in depth tonight. My other hopes are that we will see the importance of family and that we will all commit to pray hard for our Body.

What are your resolutions??

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back on the Job

I'm back here in my office and I thought I would give you a little pic post of my week in Bama...Hope you enjoy:

Our Christmas Card

JP watching TV wondering why he always has to watch what Dad wants to watch...
Opening Cars gift #1000
Enjoying Cars gift #1076

JP hanging out in his Dad's old bedroom talking to himself in the mirror...I think he may have bumped his head one too many times.

Grandma getting in on the action.

Dad jealous he didn't ever get this many gifts
Dad experiencing his first case of wrapping paper rage while JP plays with cars gift #2021
JP and Cars gift 2098
My brother and my smoking hot wife and thank the good Lord for everyday.
Look Marci, I am sweet:)
Mom helping with the gifts while Dad struggles with the wrapping
JP is...Top Gun
Megan's Dad dropping loads of knowledge on me.
REINDEER!! It's A REINDEER!! Think Buddy in the movie Elf where Will Ferrell freaks out because Santa's coming.

In-Laws Christmas Tree

JP opening the Jungle Book DVD...Megan was the one who really wanted it.

"CHOO CHOO!!" It's a Train!!

Tools to help Dad with some home improvements.

He loves this train...I love the pink couch in the background:) Megan's mom doesn't think it is pink but we all know the truth.

Well, that was a very condensed version of Christmas. I hope all you guys had a merry one. God is good.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Friday Five

The Sowell Family Christmas vacation isn't over yet, but here are some of my favorite things that have happened so far:

  • My Favorite Gift: I'm not being girly or anything, but it was actually a Willow tree Angel Megan gave me. It was a guy sitting on a stack of books studying. Megan really appreciates my commitment to work and I'm thankful for that. A close second was the money I got from my parents...I'm coming Sears, Daddy needs a new TV:)
  • My Favorite Statement: "Boys are just ridiculously dirty dogs who only have one thing on there mind!!" Pastor Andy talking to his 15 year old cousin about boys.
  • Favorite Moment: Watching JP open his presents and then run to his grandparents and give them hugs...
  • Favorite Past time: Hunting with my father-in-law. He gave me the best spot on the field...his spot on the field. The man has hunted in that one spot ever since Megan and I have been together and let me sit there...It was fun bird shoot.
  • Favorite Food: Mom's peanut-butter cake. You just have no clue how good it is. Tied for second would have to be the homemade sausage and biscuits she cooked...ever morning and the lemon pie.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Dude things have been hectic since the trip home to Bama, and I know you all are out there in blog land are just dying to know what's going on here (can you here the sarcasm?) It's been good. I've hunted, hung out with family, played with JP, spent some good time with Megan, ate TONS of food, and I still have several days left. I'll have pictures and some thoughts for you when I get back in the office. I hope all you readers have a merry Christmas and remember: Christ was born just to die so that you and I could have life...God is good.

Friday, December 19, 2008

7 Days

It is now seven days until Christmas. That's pretty exciting. I'm sure we all have huge Christmas plans that involve tons of food, family, and thirty different groups of people we are "required" to see. Here are a quick 7 things I'm looking forward to as we travel home to see family...
  • The drive. This may surprise some since the drive is so ridiculously long, but I enjoy my Megan and JP. Especially since Megan loves to drive:)
  • Food. Dude I am so ready to tear into the food my mom will have cooked just for me. Yeah that's right...just for me. I'm not exaggerating. She will cook whatever you ask her even if it is crazy. Kind of like Buddy on the movie Elf where he mixes cereal, pop tarts, spaghetti, and syrup. My mom loves me that much.
  • Weather. It was 80 degrees last week.
  • Peanut Butter Cake. I know this probably should have went with food, but if you ever eaten peanut butter cake you know it deserves it's own line. Nothing is better than this.
  • 4 Christmases. No, not the movie. We literally have four different Christmases to go to. This is not something I'm looking forward to, but it is nice to see everyone.
  • Andy Blankenship. I love this guy and it seems like I only get to see him during Christmas.
  • Hunting. I don't care what you Arkansas folks say...nothing beats hunting in Alabama.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Morning Thoughts

Prepare yourself for this statement..."I'm in a pretty serious mood this morning." I know this doesn't happen a lot, but here for the past couple of days it seems as though I can't be normal. So here are a few things that are rampaging in my mind:
  • I'm reading a book by Fancis Chan called "Crazy Love". I definitely recommend this one. Chan is one of the best preachers I've heard and the dude is committed to solid theology unlike most of the nut jobs out there.
  • The first chapter is filled with the theme of how awesome and big God is. Have you ever sat down and thought just how amazing this world is and how completely unimportant it seems on a universal scale. God chose us in the mist of the hugeness of the universe. It made me examine Psalm 46:10 in a whole new light.
  • I got to play basketball with a completely new group of guys last night at the community center. My desire is to be salty. I want people to see a difference in me while I'm playing and after we are done. Last night as I began to start developing some relationships, I got to meet another strong believer. God is good.
  • I just listened to the sermon "Jesus is NOT the reason for the season." Really intense...Check it out.
  • I'm praying really hard for Berryville right now. God is ready to do some big stuff in this town and I want to be a part of it. Do you??
  • Tonight's youth service is going to be extreme. "Complications, Celebration, and Compassion" is the title. Be ready see the Christmas story in a real way.
  • Shout out goes to my buddy Clint, a pastor down in Alabama. He preached a sermon in first person and I think it was a great idea. Thank you for your heart for the Gospel.
  • Like Slayer, I also hate Christmas music. But Relient K's "I Celebrate the Day" is still the best Christmas song of all time to me.
  • I wish my blog was as popular as Marci's.

So there you go...just some thoughts. I'm about to pray and read, and just seek the heart of God for a while. I'm pretty excited because I can feel a dry season coming to an end because the Grace of God is so incredible. If you are dry...let Him rain down on you.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Reads

If you noticed, I changed my "My Reads" section. I deleted some and added others. It is not that the ones I deleted were not worthy of my list, I have just realized how much time I waste reading blogs. The ones that stayed or were those are worthwhile every day reads. Here is a breakdown of the Chosen Ones:

Slayer: Matt is a teacher a Berryville Highschool. A really cool guy with a much cooler last name (Sayer). He could be one of the smartest guys I've met in a long time. He is a politics machine and he loves sports. So this will always be an interesting read.

Marci: Marci is a charter member here at Southern Heights (joking). We love her family and her boy Benjamin and my boy JP are best friends. If you like all the froo-froo decorating stuff...this is a blog for you:) Plus, you'll get some hilarious stories pretty regularly.

TJ: Singer/Song writer who doesn't blog that often, but when he does prepare to get blown away by his use of words.

Wes: A youth pastor who needs to blog more often:) This guy is serious about the Faith

Jessie: A student here at DM. I understand she is WAY too busy, but I'll be selfish anyway and say, "Start blogging again!!"

Ryan: FBC Abbeville's upgrade from me:) Definitely in my top five greatest youth pastors of all time...

You Can Know God: Michael is the Pastor of Oak Leaf Church in Georgia. One of the most engaging speakers I have ever heard.

And They Laughed Until it Hurt: B-Dutt is a youth pastor over in Lowell, AR. I could learn a lot from this guy if he would write a little more often...yep Brad, I called you out:)

Kristen: Calvary Baptist Youth Group Alumni and Mom of the year award runner up...Who got first place you ask?? Well, my wife of course.

Mary Anne: Calvary Baptist Youth Group Alumni and the one who taught me that sarcasm is an art form. You must work at it.

Lucy: Calvary Baptist Youth Group Alumni and possibly the funniest person I have ever met. We see things on the same level.

Rise Up: Andy is a Pastor and cousin to my wife. One of my heroes and by far the boldest guy I have ever met.

I hope you check out these blogs. They are definitely worth your time.

**UPDATE** I, by all means, meant to add Kasey to the list. This was a honest mistake, for I cannot lie (I'm a youth pastor...we aren't allowed to lie). Kasey I'm sorry, and I honestly do read your blog every update. My mistake:)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Five

  • I just finished my last class and I'm already seeing some final grades posted. I made an A in Youth ministry (possibly the easiest class I've ever taken) and and A in The Book of Acts (possibly the second hardest class I've ever taken). I'm waiting on some final things to be graded in my Genesis class (possibly the hardest class I've ever taken). If I pull a B out of my butt for this class you will hear me rejoice all over town.
  • I need to go to Fayetteville extremely bad today, but my wife doesn't want me to go without her. Give me the husband of the year award for not going.
  • I'm actually feeling a lot better since I started excercising more regularly. Basketball is a blessing.
  • Marci turned...umm...I'm not sure if it is ok for me to post her age here or not, but her birthday is today. Marci, you are one cool chick and I appreciate you and Allen a lot. You guys make ministry in Berryville easier than it should be. I think this could be the first nice thing I have ever said to you:)
  • I graduate in May...I'm pretty sure I'll be quick to start my Master's, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Lucy called me out and said I would be the one who answers this...I can't help I don't have a life. I have to answer each question with one word. Here we go...
1. Where is your cell phone? desk
2. Your significant other? hot
3. Your hair? patchy
4. Your mother? hospitable
5. Your father? teacher
6. Your favorite thing? reading
7. Your dream last night? BAHAHAHA...(Marci ask me about this one)
8. Your favorite drink? milk
9. Your dream goal? satisfied
10. The room your in? office
11. Your fear? failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13. Where were you last night? church
14. What your not? skinny
15. Muffins/donuts? both
16. One of your wish list items? truck
17. Where you grew up? B-ville
18. The last thing you did? text
19. What are you wearing? shorts
20. Your TV? movie
21. Your pet? dead
22. Your computer? life
23. Your life? computer
24. Your mood? relaxed
25. Missing someone? always
26. Favorite past time? basketball
27. Something your not wearing? underwear
28. Favorite store? Bass Pro
29. Your summer? Missions
30. Your favorite color? violet
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? don't
33. Who will/would repost this? Marci
34. Four places I go over and over again? church, Eureka Springs, Wal-Mart, Lucky Dragon
35. Four people who email me?Dare 2 Share, Ebay, Facebook, Michael Whitt
36. Four of my favorite foods? Sweet and Sour Chicken, Chicken Wings, Chicken Alfredo, and Sausage Balls
37. Four places I would like to be right now? Thailand, Europe, Nicaragua, Oregon
38. Four people I tag: Marci, Wes, Jessie, and Brad

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Working Church

I just want to give a shoutout to all those guys who have worked hard for Upward Basketball. I'm proud to be a apart of a church that has people willing to give up Saturday mornings and Monday nights to help serve the community. There are too many to name, but I really appreciate all you guys more than you know. God will bless you for your dedication to the Gospel.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Merry Christmas

Megan has been constantly talking about Christmas cards. Well, I took it upon myself to give you this Christmas greeting from the Sowell family:

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oasis and Verve

For all of you younger kids out there that never got the opportunity to hear two of the greatest 90's bands ever, here is the acoustic cover of Oasis' "Wonderwall" and The Verve Pipe's "Freshman" by Boyce Avenue.

Notice the sweet percussion

Monday, December 1, 2008

More Bullet Points

Dude, seriously. My blogging schedule has become as lame as a junior high relationship. So for you guys who may get on here to read some thoughts and ramblings...I'm sorry. School, work, and family has started taking up more time than ever. I'm a semester away from graduation, trying to figure out next years calendar, and I love my wife and son...I really want to spend time with them. So blogging has become as sparse as people in church over the holidays. Today, sadly I have nothing to offer but just a quick recap of my sometimes hilarious life:
  • School is almost over. I feels extremely good about the classes I finish in 2 weeks, and next semester will be tough but manageable.
  • I heat went out the one night it snows. No, I am not kidding. I woke up to a 50 degree house early Sunday morning.
  • What am I most thankful for this Thanksgiving? Well, we are extremely thankful for Allen, Marci, Benjamin, Georgia Kate. They invited us over to eat Thursday, they had normal food that didn't gross me out, I got to hear Allen make funny comments about Marci's mom (which was comforting to hear someone else make fun of there mother-in-law...Just joking Maxine), Benjamin completely occupied JP which was a relief, and Megan got her "I want a baby fix" by holding Georgia Kate.
  • What else you ask? Heath and Lisa for letting us stay with them while our heat was out, buying us food, and having the coolest place in the world. Funny story, their calf took a dump (not a small dump...a rather large dump) right by the door and Roxy (the small wiener dog) was running around it while we were leaving today. As we walked by JP said, "Look, Roxy pooped."
  • Honduras sign up is officially over and we have 14 for sure with the possibility of 16 to go...God is good.