Thursday, February 12, 2009


This is something I've been praying through tonight...Take some time and let me know what you think.

I watched a movie that was all about Islamic terrorism today. Throughout the movie, they were constantly talking about "jihad", and they used this term to refer to war they were making on people outside of their faith. They were willing to die for their god and exactly what they believed. Jihad was of the upmost importance because it not only sanctified themselves but it also sanctified those they came in contact with. I was completely enthralled with this idea and their devotion to their faith. One dialogue scene quickly went like this:

FBI Agent: Do you consider your son a devout Muslim?
Mother: He is Muslim...there is no slight of scale in our faith.

Wow. If only we Christians (whose faith is real!!) thought in that same way. Now to the topic of jihad, that is making war to sanctify yourself and others...this is what I think:

We Christians should adopt this idea of jihad. Now I know I'm about to get some serious theological frowns, but hear me out because I believe this is even taught in Scripture by Christ Himself. The difference is that instead of making war on others, we should be making war on ourself...against our flesh. We should see our sanctification, or our growing in Jesus, and the sanctification of others to be so important that we make war on our bodies that hinder our growth. Jesus says in Matthew 5:30, "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell." He says the same thing a verse earlier about our eyes. This is a clear teaching to me...battle your flesh, your very sin nature for your sanctification. We as Christians have been closer to adopting the Muslim idea of jihad...that is the bashing and tearing down of brothers and sisters in Christ...than the biblical teaching of Christ that tells us our sanctification is more important than our bodies. Just some thoughts for tonight. How important is your growth in Christ to you?? Is it important enough to start obeying the direct teachings of Christ?


Adam said...

die to yourself daily.
live in the Light, and you will grow!

Anonymous said...

I agree. If we as Christians could phyisicallly force our bodies to be the temples Christ created them to be whether through cutting off our arms or cutting of the bad influence in our lives we feel like is our extra appendage. Musilums don't kid when it comes to their faith. Christians could definately take a lesson there


Sayer said...

In the words of our hero, John Piper, "MAKE WAR!!!!"

That is a good movie....

Andy Blankenship said...

Amen!! It sounds crazy because it is crazy. To die to self and live for Christ...but this is the command of scripture. Watchman Nee in his book The Normal Christian Life says the best summary of the life devoted to Christ is found in Galatians 2:20...."I have been Crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives within me.."

Good word here my friend!