Sunday, May 17, 2009

Confessions: A Windsor Knot

If you have known me for any length of time, then you know how much I hate wearing ties. Well, this morning I have to preach and my lovely wife says it is a must for me to wear a suit. I came to the office early to do some Jesus stuff completely dressed...except for my tie. Now one of my main reasons I hate wearing a tie is because I simply tie straight up ghetto knots. I cannot for some reason make a knot look good. My 8th grade AG teacher, Mr. Brand, tried to teach the class, but it never worked for me. So I'm here in my office staring at the devil (or a tie) wondering, what I'm going to do...Praise the Lord for google!! I googled "windsor knot", watched the instructional videos, and really focused in on tieing a true ministry knot. Now I know this post will send a lot of "ha ha Ricky your a loser" comments my way, and I'm cool with that. I've confessed my heart and ended up with the best knot I have ever tied.


Lora P. said...

Mr. Brand would be so proud of you!! haha :)

Sayer said...

I must admit, I learned the double windsor on the internet too. But now I rock the tie on Mondays at school.