Monday, October 13, 2008

The Cry

In Genesis 18 we read about Abraham and his plea with God to spare Sodom. I love verse 22 where it says the men went towards Sodom but Abraham stood before the Lord. Everyone else had given up on the people...They said to themselves, "They are lost. They are nasty wicked sinners and really deserve to feel the wrath of God. There's no hope for them" But Abraham stood before the Lord. He understood the very grace that saved him could also save the dirtiest of sinners. So he began pleading with God, "If you find just a few righteous...spare Sodom." What a model for us today. There are so many people we have given up on. They are too lost and there's no hope. Therefore we have, liked the other men in this story, started walking and gave up hope for their souls. Oh I wish we could become become like Abraham and stand before the Lord and plead for these people. For our families and friends that don't know Jesus, may we fall on our faces and PLEAD with Jesus. I have spent the majority of this morning praying for my family. The family that I have that I gave up hope for a long time ago. But for some reason this morning God has given me a burden for those I know who are openly lost and those who may profess but they show no signs of Jesus. I'm praying that as you read this you to will begin to pray for those you have long given up hope for. I pray as you read this you'll examine your heart ask God if you are the person that we will be praying for. It's about time that the church becomes more than weekly meeting place and became a battle ground for the souls of man.

For my family
For my friends
For my students
For my church
For my son
For those who have never heard
For those I'll talk to today
For those I'll talk to tomorrow
For those I love
For those I don't
For those who don't deserve
For the good
For the bad
For the unworthy
For the hurting
For the prideful
For the confused
For the clueless
God I pray, I cry, I plead that you will use me to declare the Gospel. God I pray that you will not let me give up, but That I will continuously intercede for those that need you. Your grace is enough...

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