Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Day to Enjoy

Something really weird happened this morning. I woke up early and felt good. I was shocked. You see normally I wake up crying saying, "Why do have to get up? I never get to sleep!!" Not this morning. I woke up with eyes wide open looking forward to the day...and I liked it. Megan and JP were still in bed so I made my way over to the game house...yes we have two house connected by a garage...and played some Tiger Woods 08. Then I made my way back into the living house and saw that USA was playing Australia in Shanghai. It was just a good morning. When I made into the office...an hour early...I realized I don't have much to do today. So I started wondering what should I do? I don't want to waste time and spend the majority of the day on YouTube or addictinggames.com. The Lord just kind of spoke Psalm 46:10 and said, "Be still and know that I am God." I look forward to these days. So many times I would go and completely waste the day. So many times I would ignore His calling to just sit in His presence. But today I saw it...I noticed from the beginning that today was going to be special. So I'm going to enjoy my Jesus today in a different way. I'm going to sit and read and sing and pray. When is the last time you have just enjoyed Jesus??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I felt the exact same way today. I just felt His peace embracing me and my day...and a few minutes ago i was driving in my car and a song came on and it said "Just be still and know that I am God." That was conformation. Man we are in sync