Thursday, March 27, 2008

DM Demolition

You know what is cool about being a student minister...I get to see teenagers love Jesus on their own. No one in our student ministry is made to come by their parents because most of our kids parents aren't in church. And another great thing is...they are here for the right reasons. I hear so many student pastors talking about their students texting, talking, and disrupting. We just don't have those problems, and I don't know why. It's definitely not me or anything special we are doing. God is just moving here, and I like it. We are in a definite season of Spring (in a spiritual sense), where new things and exciting things are happening and I don't want to be anywhere else. Of course, we do have the occasional, "OK it's time to chill out speech" before we start but that is usually the extent. I know in the future that God will put us in a time of trial but Paul tells me to rejoice about that too!! Paul was in prison about to die and he said, "Rejoice, I say it again Rejoice!!" Why should I do anything different in anytime or situation in my life?
  • 14 Students. I'm really excited about this considering it was Spring Break and our choir students are in New York.
  • We prayed in small groups for those who had made purity commitments.
  • We sang Mighty To save together, and I thought it was great.
  • Megan and I just opened up about our pasts to the students. We told them consequences we faced for not loving Jesus enough to wait.
  • We closed and ate at Pizza Hut:)

I'm just excited to see our students fall in love with Christ. Pray for us...We have a chance to be seriously used by God.

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