Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Excitement of the Dead Rising to Life

I always think about how incredible it would have been to walk with Jesus the way the Disciples did. To see the feeding of the 5,000. To see Jesus walk on water. To see Him heal the sick and restore sight to the poor. I also can't imagine the pain and hurt those guys experienced from seeing their best friend, their leader, the One they gave up everything for hanging on a cross and dying before their very eyes. All believers feel horrible about what Christ went through for us, but the one's there...they felt it...they felt true emotional torment. Then three days later, seeing Jesus alive. Knowing it is Him by feeling the holes in His hands and in His side. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. To see Him there breathing, smiling, placing His hands on your face telling them what they are to start doing must have been an indescribable feeling. The Resurrection is our hope as believers. The Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthians that without the Resurrection our faith and preaching is empty. When Jesus conquered death, He gave us the ability to move past the grave. Death could not hold Him!! I was so excited to see so many people at church this morning, but to be all honest if you truly know a Risen Savior He deserves more than one day a year of worship. If you truly know is not a question. You desire to live you life for Him and Him alone. Why?? Because He died for us, beat death for us, and now offers everlasting life to us. Today turn from following your desires, ask Jesus to save you and be Lord of your life. Experience joy by turning everything over to Him.

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