Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Church Ain't My Bag

Last night, as most of you know, was basketball night. The night where we old guys try and make ourselves feel young by running around with some high school students. On a quick side note I feel myself starting to play like and old guy. I remember when I was younger playing with Matthew Murphy and his dad Mr. Robert. Me and Matthew would run around like crazy while Mr. Robert was fundamental. Last night I saw myself being...fundamental. That's not me. I was blocking out, playing tough defense, fouling hard and often, moving my feet, and using HEAD FAKES!! I'm past the age where I try to out jump everybody. Anyway, back to the orignal point here. I tried to witness to this guy I have been playing ball with every Tuesday night. A really cool guy who is a heck of a ball player. He said he was 28 just trying to have some fun and meet some guys. So I told him me and my wife teach this really cool Sunday School class that has about 10 or 11 couples our age. I encouraged him and told him we would love to have him and his wife come and visit. OK. Just so you know, with students I'm pretty blunt, adults I'm really gentle. I didn't just start talking to this dude about church. I got to know him a little, and we had some really good conversations. I thought I was really easing into this. Told him the impact Jesus had made on me...His response, "Church ain't my bag." Alright, so I'm witnessing to Austin Powers. Honestly, who says bag??!! Church has gotten a horrible reputation somewhere down the line. People don't want anything to do with it, and I don't understand. Most of my family doesn't go to church. We have gotten this idea that all the people in their suits and ties and dresses are going to judge us the whole time. Hebrews 10:25 tells us that we should not stop gathering with believers...IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER. I believe that's it. We have so many people who believe they truly know Christ because they said a magical formula of words. Salvation is a transformation of the heart not words, baptism, or any other thing you could do. This incredibly cool guy told me he didn't want anything to do with the Body of Christ. What about you?? Are you denying the gathering of believers?? Do you truly know Christ for who He is?? Is Jesus your bag??

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