Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Dog Factor

Megan and I used to have a yorkie...I hated it. Notice I said we USED to have a yorkie. You see one day I found him chewing on my wallabees, which he knew was wrong. I punished him by sticking him in the toilet and flushing it a few times. He had to fight the strong swirling current of our powerful toilet that was advertised as being able to flush 12 golfballs. OK...I made that up but it was a lot nicer than what I wanted to do to him. For some reason, despite the blatant abuse he took from me in particular, the dog freaking loved me. When Megan got pregnant we had to give him away because of his ferocious jealously. He would attack Megan if she tried to hug me. I wanted to be able to hold my future son so off he went to some unlucky elderly couple. This morning we were approached with the opportunity to have ANOTHER yorkie. I can't believe we are actually considering it. We know JP would love it, but I don't like unneeded responsibility. It pees and dooks and chews on wallabees. It would be nice to say, "Hey I have a dog" but is it worth it?? I need some advice you guys...I want your opinion. The ups and downs of dog ownership. Be honest. Be helpful.


Anonymous said...

I really wish that the story you made up about the toilet was true.
You should try it. This one probably won't be sooo attached to you if J.P. is around. && J.P. will have a blast with it.
I think that you could use some unneeded responsibility, it wouldn't hurt.
All dogs pee & "dook" potty train it. A few dark spots on your new carpet is a small price to pay for a fellow mammal waking you up every morning with a french kiss.


Lucy said...

Forgo the dog and get a cat. They come potty trained and they're not as eager to jump on you. As for your Wallabees, that might take some training, but I hear all you have to do is shoot them with a water gun when they do something bad and they'll stop. That way you get to have a pet and play with water guns in the house. It's a win-win situation.

Wes George said...

I love my dog to death, but I must admit, it would be a lot easier not to have him. He was potty trained when I got him, but it's still a pain to have feed and water him every day. It will be better when I can just tell James, who loves him dearly, to take care of him, but for now, it's a big hassle. We can't go anywhere for very long because

Destiny Foster said...

Don't listen to Wes && the Lucy (?).
Get a doggie. :]]
I mean, they are soo cute.
I should kno, they live with me.
And we already told Megan we would keep "it" while you were in Alabama!
So yea ...get it! Lol.