Monday, April 21, 2008

Taste the Rainbow

I love candy. Maybe it it's the sugar...I don't know, but here lately I have been on a candy kick. Today I would like to give you guys my top five favorite fruity candy (does that sound gay?).

5. Starbursts- I love these things. They would have been higher but I absolutely hate having to unwrap each individual one.

4. Sour Patch Kids- I have never been really big on sour stuff, but these little guys are addictive.

3. Gummie Bears- These guys are classics. Who doesn't like gummie bears??

2. Jelly Belly- In 1976 the first eight flavors of Jelly Belly were born. Now they boast 50 natural flavors. That's right...I know my Jelly Belly.

1. Skittles- I know everyone is going to want to debate this, but seriously...There is nothing better than a good pack of skittles.

I would love to hear your favorites...Umm...Taste the rainbow


Anonymous said...

Seriously bro, with the mouth open is not necessary...I give you credit, skittles are pretty awesome...but even though they are hard work, I have to bump starbursts to #1

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Nothing better to do at work..than take photos of yourself with empty candy wrappers?! And you think mothers and housewives have nothing better to do.
I do agree with #2...Jelly Belly--my favorite candy.