Tuesday, April 15, 2008

God Produces

Lately if you have seen me or read my blog, you have noticed that I haven't been in the greatest moods. I've been tired and ill. I have been filled with unrighteous anger, not at anyone, but just at the demands of daily life. But through God I have overcome. You see this morning has been different for some reason. It actually started last night when I witness God heal a heart right in front of me. To actually see with my own eyes the transformation of one's desires was absolutely amazing. Right after that, a pastor friend called and wanted me to preach at his church the 27th. I walked in side watching JP climb up the stairs, wondering why God has given me such an amazing life. Megan was at a VBS clinic so me and JP had the whole house to ourselves. I was changing clothes getting prepared for a night of running around battling my strongwilled child when I walked into the living room and he was sitting in my recliner watching the Red Sox. He sat with me the rest of the night. We read our Bible and prayed together and it may have been the best prayer time I have ever had. I woke up at like 10:30 to this beautiful woman who had just gotten home from Fayettville. Man, I have a hot wife. This morning God is just moving in me. Phillipians 2:13 says that God produces in you the desires and actions that please Him. God does it. My desires are wrong and filthy but God desires me to glorify Him. He is so faithful. I'm sorry blog world for my complaining...I'm sorry for not allowing God to produce in me righteousness. Thank you Father for reminding me You are in control. I'm just going to sit here for awhile, worshipping Jesus. Because it is grace that allows me to be here. He has filled my heart with more than I can hold inside. I pray that you too can be reminded of how great Jesus is and be filled.

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