Friday, May 2, 2008

Bread of Life

In my class, "The Book of John" I had to write a research paper on the bread of life discourse given by Jesus in chapter 6. It is so weird to think about how many times I have read passages of scripture but I'm just now learning comprehend them. It all really starts in verse 22, but you need to know that Jesus just fed 5000 men with 2 small fish and 5 loaves of bread. He just refused the people who tried to make Him their king for a political revolt against the Romans, and then walked on water. So now He is sitting with the people and they ask for Jesus to do what Moses did for the Israelites in wilderness, make bread fall from heaven. Here it is...the best part of the whole story: "My Father gives you the true bread of Heaven. For the bread of heaven is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." I love it!! Jesus makes His claim to be equal with the Father. He tells the people that this bread is not about satisfying you physically but spiritually. The people then say, "Give us this bread." Verse 35, Jesus says, "I am the bread of life."

Many of us are like the people Jesus was talking to. They wanted to be independent from Rome. That wanted to make sure their physical needs were taken care of. They wanted some type of position in the new government they believed Jesus would set up. They wanted, they wanted, they wanted!! That's just like us. We want all these things that Jesus can do for us but we refuse to give Him our lives. We are wanted all of our physical needs met, but Jesus came not so that we may have these comfortable lives in our nice houses. He came to live a perfect life and then die. HE came to be the ultimate perfect sacrifice we needed so we can be forgiven and restored. Don't get so wrapped up in this world that you forget to take the true bread of life.

Just like bread is a necessity for us to live physically...Jesus is a necessity for us to live spiritually.

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