Monday, September 29, 2008

Give Me a Break

I decided the other day to put a hault on the blogging. Honestly, even though it really helps me process my thoughts, I really am running short on time these days. My wife then preceded to be the level headed like she always is, and she reminded me people actually read it...maybe not many, but some. So I decided I just need to better manage my time because this blogging things does help me personally and really do hope it blesses you in some way...even if it is just a short comical relieve. I know it has been awhile since I have posted, but I am making a decision today to start blogging more frequently. My goal is once a day like I did when I first started, but if not once a day definitely once every 2 or 3 days. But this news flash is not the reason for my post. As most of you know I have spent the weekend in Minneapolis with my wife at John Piper's Desiring God conference. The next succession of posts will be my personal notes from the conference. Dude all I can say is read them closely and be blessed. It is definitely not my wisdom, but God seriously blessing some men who have been seeking his face for YEARS!! Hope you enjoy....

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Not to sound like a stalker, but I check your blog twice a day and enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work.