Monday, September 1, 2008

Confessions of a Youth Pastor: My Mad Diary

OK... it's confession time...

To be honest with you, I'm not excited about this confession at all, but I know it is good to just lay things out on the table so here I go. I know this post is going to get the, "You are such a pansy" remarks but I'm prepared to take them all with dignity and honor. I watched this particular movie last night. This was only the second time I have ever seen it, but it is an incredibly powerful movie. Confession part 1: I cried watching it both times. Confession part 2: It was "Diary of a Mad Black Woman". I KNOW I KNOW!! Go ahead and let the laughs fly...I'm ok with it, but before you get to brutal let me explain. You know what...I can't explain. GO get the movie and check it out. And if you don't drop a tear, I'll call you heartless like I get called a pansy:)
Just found's still good

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude...that movie is hysterical!
And the Lord said "Peace be still"
"I'll show you a piece of steel"
It is kind of sad but I do remember laughing more than crying. LOL Kim P