Monday, September 15, 2008

Your Monday Weather Report

So I'm sitting here with another million things to do, but can't get you, my readers off my mind. Lucy says she has three readers, so I'm going to one up her and claim to have four...but I think we all know the truth. As I was going through my blogroll I noticed everyone had some weather recaps. Not wanting to be outdone...especially by Lucy...I feel the need to tell you about our eventful weather weekend:
  • I awoke to a phone call yesterday telling me church was cancelled because there was no electricity and I needed to call everyone I could think of. So I get up and start making phone calls to members and hearing endless stories about rain, wind, trees blown over, parents awake all night with screaming children frightened out of their, I was completely oblivious to the fact the there was ever any rain. I slept right through it.
  • Since SHBC had no service I went to our...err... "sister" church Freeman Heights. I was glad to go and visit with some people I never get to see.
  • We had no internet here at the church so I walked down the road to see Nolan and check my fantasy football. After I left he called me and said, "Why didn't you tell me that I had a tree blown down in my front yard??" I answered with a resounding, "I didn't see any tree blown over." He the proceeded in telling me I walked right by a massive tree that had been blown down and I never noticed it...I guess I'm oblivious to obvious things even when I'm awake.
  • The weather is now a beautiful sunny day with the temp. around 62....I love Arkansas.

1 comment:

L Motzko said...

We read your blog too so I guess you can add a few more to your numbers!